The Easter Bunny has dropped six eggs around Scarborough and six lucky participants will receive a basketful of goodies for retracing the Easter Bunny’s steps. Contributed / Scarborough Community Services
Scarborough Community Services has two events coming up to help children and their families celebrate Easter.
The Easter Bunny has already visited Scarborough and has dropped eggs all over the town. The community services department is asking for help to retrace the bunny’s tracks in a Park Hop.
A coloring page map will lead families to six locations so kids can draw a design that’s on each egg. Once completed, it can be dropped off at the community services hub or be emailed to comserv@scarboroughmaine.org. Six entrants will win an Easter basket full of goodies. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 22. To access the map, go to tiny.cc/parkhop.
The Easter Bunny will be back in town Saturday, March 23, for Breakfast with the Bunny, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at the Wentworth School cafeteria. Pancakes, sausage, hash browns and fruit will be served. The cost is $10 per family. To buy tickets, go to the Community Services Department’s page on the town’s website, scarboroughmaine.org.
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