Greely seniors Abigail Jacobson, left, Molly Mulligan, Charles Anania and Jonah Guibord at Wednesday’s college recognition ceremony. Hoffer photo.

Four Greely senior athletes announced plans to compete in college at a recognition ceremony at the high school Wednesday afternoon.

Abigail Jacobson will compete in track and field at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire.

Molly Mulligan will play volleyball next year at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetst.

Charles Anania will compete in track and field at Christopher Newport University in Virginia.

Jonah Guibord will also compete in track and field, at Central Maine Community College in Auburn.

Several other Rangers are planning to play next year as well, but were not able to be part of the ceremony.

“I’m still always astounded at the percentage of our students who go on to play collegiately,” said David Shapiro, Greely’s longtime athletic director. “The overall probability of playing in college is roughly four percent of all high school athletes. It’s pretty remarkable to play at the next level in any sport and we’re blowing away the national average.”

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