Ed Symbol, second vice commander at Stephen W. Manchester American Legion Post 62, is seen decorating veterans’ graves with flags at Woodlawn Cemetery May 11. Westbrook’s Memorial Day events will begin with an 8 a.m. ceremony at Veterans Rest followed by a parade at 10 a.m. along Main Street and a main ceremony at 11 a.m. at Riverbank Park. Contributed / Phil Spiller
Library Friends
annual meeting
Friends of Walker Memorial Library, 800 Main St., will hold their annual meeting from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 21. The group will vote on officers and select their annual scholarship winner.
After the business meeting, guest speaker Joel Leak, master gardener volunteer from the University of Maine Extension, will speak about creating pollinator gardens and the importance of native plants in landscapes.
The Friends are also accepting donations of gently used books for their annual sale June 1. Donations can be taken to the library between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, May 18. For more information, email FriendsoftheWML@gmail.com or call the library at 854-0630.

Pictured with Westbrook-Gorham Rotary President elect Phil Spiller, second from right, are members of Waterstone’s Rock Row development team, from left, Andrew Gendron, Josh Levy, Lynda Adams and Mark Guzzetta. Contributed / Westbrook-Gorham Rotary Club
Rock row developers
give update to Rotary
Westbrook-Gorham Rotary President-elect Phil Spiller said about 30 local Rotarians, elected officials and local business and municipal leaders were recently updated by Waterstone Properties Group, the Rock Row development team, on the 2 million-square-foot mixed-use destination.
“At full buildout, Rock Row is projected to exceed 10 million visits annually with future phases including medical, dining, retail, residential, hospitality and entertainment additions featuring year-round programming and events,” Spiller said.
50 years ago
The American Journal reported on May 15, 1974, in the Westbrook Police Notes that someone streaked through Matty’s Restaurant at 10:58 p.m.
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