I’m surprised at how many people don’t know how to find answers to tech problems they have. Because right in front of them they have a tablet, computer or smartphone giving them access to the internet and answers to every question.

Of course, if someone is reluctant about using a device, asking them to figure out how to ask questions that will help them solve a tech issue is most likely another burden.

That’s exactly why BoomerTECH Adventures encourages clients to learn several different ways to solve their tech problems.

Let’s look at five questions BTA friends and clients have asked us recently.

1. How do I protect myself from scams? Scams are everywhere and it is imperative that you know how to avoid them. Our basic advice is don’t click on any links or attachments in an email or text that don’t look familiar to you and never return a phone call. Another excellent strategy if you think an email or text is a scam is to look it up. Just this morning, I checked what seemed to be a legitimate Meta (Facebook) message about our account. A short Google search verified that it was a common scam. I deleted the message and avoided another scam attempt.

2. How can I select YouTube videos that will help me find answers to my tech questions from the millions of videos offered to me? Here are several guidelines we use: When searching for YouTube videos, make your search phrasing short but specific. “iPhone battery replacement on an iPhone 12” is better than “iPhone batteries.” Choose a video that is recent (not more than two years old). Look for shorter videos (15 minutes or under). Try out several videos to see if the teaching style matches your learning style (language and pace of instruction).


3. Why does my device look different when I upgrade my operating system? We are encouraged to keep the OS up-to-date because OS updates often include security enhancements and fixes. Inevitably, our devices will look different in some way with an OS update. That may show up as a home screen that displays time and date differently, apps that may not work as they did before or overall sluggish performance. The good news is that such changes are often accompanied by directions that explain the update. So take the time to read or view any explanations that accompany an update. It will save you time in the long run!

4. How can I keep from being overwhelmed in learning new things about my smartphone? With all good intentions, our clients tell us they want to stay current when they search for answers to their tech questions but they are overwhelmed with all the possibilities and information. Articles like “50 top things to do when you get a new smartphone.” Fifty! Are you kidding me? The most difficult part of learning something new is knowing how to focus on one question and not get distracted from all the tech noise. Our advice: Take 20 minutes every day or learn something new or practice something new.

5. OK, these are helpful tips, but please tell me something simple that might help me today! Here are several useful pieces of advice: Keep your devices up-to-date; when things aren’t working, turn your device off and let it sit for a minute and turn it back on and try again. Look at your emails and texts carefully to notice anything that is not right. If it looks off (a strange email address, for example), remember the scam advice above. Use YouTube to see something demonstrated. Use a search engine (like Google or others) to find articles to read. Learning to do a search and finding the information you need to know is one of the most important skills you can have.

Technology can be challenging! A good part of learning how to use your smartphone, tablet and laptop is figuring out how to solve problems when they arise, and that is on ongoing process. Stay with it!

BoomerTECH Adventures (boomertechadventures.com) helps boomers and older adults navigate the digital world with confidence and competence. Active boomers themselves, they use their backgrounds as teachers to support individuals and groups with online courses, articles, videos and presentations to organizations upon request.

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