I was appalled to see U.S. Congress members in the New York City courtroom last week. By their presence, they were defending a man accused of election interference by writing off as a business expense his payments to a porn actress for a sexual encounter he had while his wife was home with their baby! Just when I thought “the party of family values” couldn’t sink any lower, it does. I thought to myself: 1. Don’t these people have jobs in Washington, D.C.? and 2. Are we taxpayers paying for this?

The indictments against Trump are fair and just. I believe he did pay off the porn star and lie about it; he did take secret government documents then hid those documents when asked to return them; he did ask for Georgia to “find” votes to overturn election results; he did fire up his followers to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and then sat casually while they injured dozens of police officers and screamed about hanging his own vice president. We saw it with our own eyes. I watched the assault on TV as tears streamed down my face. I worked for the U.S. Department of Defense for 34 years. I have never been so ashamed of my government as I have been since Donald Trump entered the world of politics.

To witness how the once-proud Republican Party, the Grand Old Party, has let such a man take over is not only disgraceful, it is confusing.

Barb Osen
Orr’s Island

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