A Maple Sunday whoopie pie from Cape Whoopies in South Portland. Photo by Ray Routhier

A carrot cake whoopie pie, one of the seasonal varieties at Two Fat Cats Bakery in South Portland. Photo by Ray Routhier

WHAT: Whoopie pie

WHERE: Cape Whoopies, 185 Cottage Road, South Portland; Two Fat Cats Bakery, 740 Broadway, South Portland.

PRICE: $3.95 at Cape Whoopies, $3.99 at Two Fat Cats

FLAVOR: Maple Sunday at Cape Whoopies; carrot cake at Two Fat Cats

PRESENTATION: The Maple Sunday was pre-packaged in plastic, ready to go. The carrot cake was sitting in a bakery case and placed in a paper bag for sale.

LOOK: The Maple Sunday was perfectly round, with a uniform layer of filling and about the size of a large hockey puck. The carrot cake had a large, uneven dollop of filling between two layers of cake and overall looked more like something from a home kitchen.

TASTE AND TEXTURE: The Maple Sunday had a very sweet maple cream filling, with a firm yellow cake. The carrot cake had the kind of white cream filling – a little like icing – you might expect in a whoopie pie, in between very moist cake that was flecked with shreds of carrot.

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