Gorham Historical Society President Suzanne Phillips is pictured on duty at the society in the historic Mosher Barn. Robert Lowell / American Journal

Historical society hours

Gorham Historical Society and museum will be open from 4 to 6 p.m. on two Wednesdays, Aug. 7 and 21, in the restored Mosher Barn at Shaw Cherry Hill Farm, 28 Cherry Hill Road.

The society can also be open by appointment by calling the archivist, Kelly Dearborn, at 831-4220.

The society has extensive genealogical, town and cemetery records for research in addition to letters, photographs and artifacts.

Gazebo concert

Jim Brady will perform at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30, on the lawn at the municipal center, 75 South St.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on July 24, 1974, that the Gorham High School Class of 1944 held its 30th reunion at Graffam’s Restaurant. Class officers were P. Burton Cressey Jr., president; Richard Barden, vice president; and Jean Gray, secretary-treasurer.

U.S. taxpayers’ debt

The U.S. Treasury Department reported on July 16 that the U.S. public debt was $34,940,154,193.,610.64

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