The town of Scarborough has several citizen-led boards and committees working on issues to enhance our community. See what some of the active boards and committees have been up to in the past few months. Find the full details on the town of Scarborough website, shared in our latest Board and Committee Newsletter.
Planning Board
The Planning Board has had a busy past few months with some notable projects. In May, the board approved the Marsh Bend Subdivision, a 10-lot subdivision with nine new single-family homes along Pine Point Road. The project will extend the sidewalk network along Pine Point Road in the area of Dunstan Landing Road and include a landscaped and monumented entrance. The board also approved the removal and reconstruction of the Higgins Beach Market on Spurwink Road.
The board held a joint meeting with the Town Council in June to review a proposal for a hotel in the Cabela’s plaza, which is subject to a contract zoning agreement. This project is the first of what are expected to be several further projects filling out the expansive parking area in the Cabela’s plaza. This would be the fourth hotel proposed in Scarborough in the last year. Looking ahead, the board will review proposals for an InterMed surgery center and office at The Downs, and continue to review the proposal by FedEx to develop the former Beech Ridge Motor Speedway.
Long-Range Planning Committee
The Long-Range Planning Committee is one of the primary committees tasked with implementing the town’s comprehensive plan. They are reviewing updates and amendments to municipal ordinances as part of an ordinance consolidation goal within this plan. Other notable projects include a recommendation on the recently adopted landscape and screening standards, review of site layout requirements, review of draft environmental buffering standards from the Conservation Commission, and recommending to update the town’s requirements for farm stands to support local agriculture and farms seeking to sell farm-based products in town. This summer they will be reviewing parking standards to reduce unnecessary parking and paved areas and reduce impact to Scarborough Marsh.
Transportation Committee
The Transportation Committee continues to review draft sections of the Townwide Transportation Study, which will be used to identify priorities for future improvement related to mobility and road safety. Once all sections of the Townwide Transportation Study are drafted, a public meeting will be held to go over the study components and solicit public feedback and comments. From this outreach the committee will review and incorporate final edits to the study before presenting to the Town Council for their endorsement. Over the past few months, the committee has also reviewed the town’s Traffic Calming Request Policy, conceptual plans for reimagining Haigis Parkway and reviewed the updates to the town’s traffic impact fees.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee proposed a Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy ordinance, which allows commercial property owners access to special financing to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The Town Council adopted the ordinance in April. Looking ahead, the committee is in the process of planning the 2024 Sustainable Scarborough Day, which will be held on Oct. 6, 2024, at Wentworth School. They’ve also requested a reserve account be set up to help fund sustainability projects. The Sustainability Committee hopes to work with the Finance Committee to move the request forward.
Ad Hoc Open Space Committee
A new ad hoc committee formed in May to support the development of an open space plan for conservation. The committee is working with Viewshed, a Maine-based landscape architecture, GIS and planning firm, to identify priority areas for future conservation and recreation opportunities. Along with their July 25 interactive open space plan workshop, committee members will be at the Aug. 1 Concerts in the Park and Aug. 16 Summerfest to get public feedback to support the plan. A draft plan is expected in late fall, and the final plan should be available in winter 2025.
Coastal Waters and Harbor Advisory Committee
The town of Scarborough welcomed new Harbormaster/Marine Resource Officer Daryen Granata in June. He was already active in the Coastal Waters Committee, keeping the transition smooth for projects that were already underway. A focus has been on the expansion of the mooring field to add upwards of 25-30 moorings. This was made possible due to a federal dredging project which made more room, and reconfiguration efforts to maximize the use of space. Another accomplishment is a $15,000 Harbor Management Access grant that was recently awarded to replenish the town’s working waterfront account and will soon be accepted by the Town Council. For more updates like this, the harbormaster/marine resource officer has a new Facebook page. Follow for updates, images and information on the marine resources and harbor management for the town of Scarborough.
Learn more
Read the full Board and Committee Newsletter on the town of Scarborough website. All meeting minutes and agendas can be accessed from the Boards and Committees page under the “Government” menu. This page also has a list of committee vacancies and an online application. Subscribe to the town newsletter for regular updates on what’s happening in Scarborough.
Allison Carrier is the marketing and communications manager for the town of Scarborough.
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