Road race exceeds
fundraising goals
On behalf of Kennebunk Free Library, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire community for the incredible support and enthusiasm shown during our recent 27th Edition 5K fundraiser.

The Kennebunk Free Library 27th Edition 5K had nearly 400 finishers this year. Above, Steven Fritzche of Kennebunk, who placed first overall. Contributed / Granite State Race Services
The success of this event was truly a community effort, and we are thrilled to share that thanks to your participation, generosity and spirit, we exceeded our fundraising goals. The funds raised will go a long way in supporting our ongoing programs, acquiring new resources and enhancing our services to better serve you and your families.
A special thanks to the volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to make the event run smoothly, the local businesses that provided sponsorship and prizes, and every individual who joined us for the run or supported us in other ways. Your commitment to our library is inspiring and deeply appreciated.
The 5K was not only a fundraiser but also a celebration of our community’s dedication to lifelong learning and togetherness. We look forward to many more events and opportunities to engage with you and continue to strengthen the role of our library in the community.
Michelle K. Conners, director
Kennebunk Free Library
Media portrayal
is misleading
I would like to respond to Ms. Jane Card’s letter implying that “MAGA” language is intended to confuse voters. Ms. Card parrots the media’s take on Trump policies from birth control to energy.
While I’m not a Trump fan and wish we had different and better options, the fact is Mr. Trump didn’t govern like a tyrant in his first term. Look at the evidence. He didn’t go after the FBI for their involvement in the Russia hoax. He didn’t seek retribution against Hillary Clinton for her role in that year’s long debacle. He didn’t weaponize the DOJ like Joe Biden has, going after pro-life protesters while ignoring violent BLM rioters or imprisoning grandmothers that wandered through the Capitol building for 15 minutes on Jan. 6.
He did expand funding for historically Black colleges, pass criminal justice reforms, forge a peace deal in the Middle East, deterred Iran in their quest for a nuclear bomb, grew the economy, repatriated millions in tax revenue from U.S.-based corporations, boosted take-home wages for taxpayers, the largest percentage of which went to lower-income brackets. Gas prices were much lower and inflation was a non-factor. Our border was secure and violent crime was down. America as a nation was better off. Period.
MAGA, Make America Great Again, is not isolationist. It is a statement that America must be strong first, in order to effectively help its neighbors and allies. The media would have us believe Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. The evidence says otherwise.
I’m not voting for Donald Trump in 2024. I’m voting for his policies and I hope you will as well.
Kevin King
Ideal location
for next debate
The next debate should be held on the campus of Trump University.
Leo Ojala
Community should embrace
Professional Learning Communities
I am writing to address the recent discussions surrounding Professional Learning Communities in RSU 21. There have been numerous online posts and published articles where teachers express a desire to reclaim their planning time to work independently. While I understand the sentiment, I believe it is crucial to consider the broader context and benefits of Professional Learning Communities.
Based on recent comments, I initially assumed that Professional Learning Communities were a new concept, perhaps even novel to Maine. However, I was surprised to discover that Professional Learning Communities have been a global standard for over 25 years, with extensive data directly linking them to improved student outcomes. This long-standing practice has proven to be effective in fostering collaboration among educators, enhancing teaching strategies, and ultimately benefiting students.
Given this wealth of evidence, it is perplexing why any parent or educator would not want to see this gold standard applied to our school district. Professional Learning Communities provide a structured environment for teachers to share best practices, support each other, and continuously improve their teaching methods. This collaborative approach not only enriches the professional development of teachers but also creates a more cohesive and effective learning experience for students.
In light of these benefits, I urge our community to embrace Professional Learning Communities and recognize their value in our educational system. By doing so, we can ensure that our students receive the highest quality education and that our teachers are supported in their professional growth.
Amanda Downing
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