Finding Our Voices founder Patrisha McLean, left, is pictured with Laurie Rairdon of Westbrook Strong 5K that donated $10,000 this year to combat domestic abuse. Contributed / Patrisha McLean
Domestic violence community conversation
Local women whose lives were affected by domestic violence will share their stories and lead a community conversation Monday evening, Sept. 16, in the Spruce Room at the Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St. The conversation is part of the statewide “Let’s Talk About It” tour, led by Finding Our Voices, a domestic violence awareness and resources oganization, according to a press release.
Walker Memorial Library is partnering with the community center for the Westbrook event.
The event begins at 6 p.m. and the panel discussion will be preceded by short films and followed by a reception with refreshments.
Finding Our Voices was awarded $10,000 as the special beneficiary of this year’s Westbrook Strong 5K, which Laurie and Gary Rairdon started 11 years ago to honor their son Matthew after an ex-boyfriend killed him in a murder-suicide. Laurie Rairdon will be one of the panelists in the Westbrook event.
“I was bowled over by the outpouring of love in Riverbank Park in July at the 11th annual Westbrook Strong 5K,” Finding Our Voices founder Patrisha McLean said. “Hundreds of community members gathered to support the Rairdon family and raise an astonishing $38,000 for causes that are meaningful to them, including breaking the silence of domestic abuse. I am excited to work once again with Laurie and Gary as well as other survivors in bringing domestic abuse in Westbrook further into the light of compassion and understanding for the well-being and safety of all.”
For more information about Finding Our Voices, visit findingourvoices.net or email hello@findingourvoices.net.
Post 197 car show
American Legion Post 197, at 300 Conant St., is sponsoring a car show from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 21.
Car registration begins at 8 a.m. Entry is $15 per car.
The event helps support the Legion Family project Mission Working Dogs that connects Maine veterans with disabilities and PTSD with service dogs. Part of the proceeds will fund the training of service dogs and a building where veterans can stay and become familiar with the dogs before taking them home, according to an announcement.
Activities at the Common
There will be an open mic night from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at Westbrook Common. On Saturday at 11 a.m., the exercise form “Nia with Erin Curren” will be held.
Dance to salsa by DJ A’vell from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, and there will be another open mic from 6 to 9 p.m. next Thursday.
50 years ago
The American Journal reported on Sept. 11, 1974, that Marian Chick of Mechanic Street had returned from an ocean voyage around the world. Chick was a retired librarian at Westbrook High School.
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