RSU 21 and Kennebunk, Arundel, Kennebunkport Educators’ Association entered into a teacher contract agreement on Monday. Gregory Rec / Portland Press Herald

The RSU 21 School Board of Directors officially ratified a three-year teacher contract with the Kennebunk, Arundel, Kennebunkport Educators’ Association on Monday, putting an end to many months of mediation.

The terms of the contract are not yet available to the public.

On Monday, Board Chair Lesley Stoeffler said the board is grateful that all parties were able to come together and find common ground in ratifying the new contract.

“While the process took longer than anyone would have liked, we believe this contract provides a fair framework that will help us retain exceptional teachers and maintain the high-quality education our community expects,” Stoeffler said.

Only one board member, Gayle Spofford, voted against the contract ratification on Monday night. Spofford did not provide details for her dissenting vote.

“In good conscience, I cannot vote for this contract,” Spofford said Monday.


The school district had been in contract negotiations with the educators’ association since last December. Teachers in the district have been teaching without a contract since August.

Over the last few months, teachers and community members have expressed dissatisfaction with the school board and the district administration, claiming that teachers do not feel heard or respected.

In July, RSU 21 and the association entered into contract mediation.

Through the negotiation process, the RSU 21 School Board lost two members. In May, then-Chair Erin Nedeau resigned from the board after a remark that she made, which many believed was insinuating the comparison of teachers to the Ku Klux Klan.

Last month, former negotiation lead Kirstin Shapiro resigned from the school board after a series of outbursts caused Arundel resident Dorothy Gregoire to successfully launch a recall campaign against her.

Shapiro was also censured by her board colleagues last month due to violation of the board’s policies.


Residents took to social media Monday night to express relief and excitement for the new contract.

“This is a beginning to mending fences, healing, and moving forward,” resident Sue Richardson wrote. “Tonight we will all sleep better.”

Stoeffler echoed the community’s joy, rising from her chair to cheer for the contract at Monday night’s meeting.

“We’re looking forward to turning the page and focusing on what matters most: our students’ success,” Stoeffler said.

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