Like other Nordic skiers, I am saddened by Smiling Hill Farm’s decision to close its ski business, as well as by the ongoing struggle of Harris Farm and other family operations affected by diminished snow levels. And I am angry at the reason we are in this situation: our societal inability to heed a quarter-century’s warnings from scientists about climate change.

More than 45% of Mainers voted for a man who did nothing about climate change during his first term in office and promises, once again, to do nothing over the next four years. Trump has been very clear on his bias for fossil fuels and his opposition to the efforts of the Biden administration to curtail greenhouse gas emissions. Even some of the planned offshore wind farms are now in jeopardy.

But we can’t place all the blame on Trump and the conservatives in Congress. How many of us continue to heat with oil or gas, drive gasoline-powered vehicles, fly around the world to satisfy our bucket lists, fail to purchase solar panels or subscribe to one of Maine’s solar farms, purchase unnecessary clothing and other items from the other side of the world and, in general, maintain energy-wasting lifestyles?

We have it within our power to change the trajectory of climate change, by the way we vote and the lifestyles we choose. We must make the commitment to do better. Much better.

Joe Hardy

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