Re: “Sen. Collins has ‘reservations’ about privatizing Medicare, repealing health care law without replacement” (Dec. 2):

I was encouraged to read that Sen. Susan Collins has reservations about repealing the Affordable Care Act. As a Mainer who relies on the exchange for affordable health care coverage, I am deeply concerned about proposals to repeal it.

Last year I made the decision to leave my job, along with my employer-provided health care, in order to start a small business. I currently own and operate a small nursery school for toddlers in Yarmouth. Knowing I would have access to affordable care on the exchange allowed me to take this leap, which I otherwise never would have considered.

The ACA is not perfect, but it can be fixed. Repealing it and putting thousands of Mainers out of health insurance is not the way to go. That would be terrible for small-business owners like me who have come to rely on it for our health care.

April Humphrey


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