I am familiar with regulations regarding minimum voting age, but we may need to clarify minimum ages for our elected officials.

I thought Rep. Bruce Poliquin was abiding by the adage “better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt” when he repeatedly refuses questions from his electorate about how he would vote on substantive issues like the presidential election or the recent attempted repeal of the Affordable Care Act. I am now convinced he was simply acting like an 8-year-old.

Gov. LePage has repeatedly said he wants high-quality employment opportunities in Maine, but he singlehandedly sent the world leader in wind energy packing. He claims he is for small business but boasted he will personally end the $7 million business of “nip” bottle sales because a bill that had strong bipartisan support was endorsed by Maine’s largest affected business! He feigns support for seniors while steadfastly refusing to release millions in voter-approved funds for senior housing.

Topping it all off, he’s petulantly refusing to install highway signage providing tourists with directions to the nation’s newest jewel of a monument because, apparently, his disparagement of the area in an open hearing in the nation’s capital is not enough to keep informed people from seeking out that wonderful part of Maine.

It seems a truism that you can cannot help getting older, but you can stay immature forever.

I’d personally contribute for the installation of highway signage pointing LePage in the direction of Washington, because the sooner he gets a Trump administration job that he seems to covet, the sooner we can return an adult to the Blaine House once again.

Mike Del Tergo


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