As the Lakes Region enters a new season the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce is prepared to open two seasonal information booths filled with a wealth of information to accommodate the needs of the business members and community programs that provide a value and benefit to those who desire to maintain a quality of life in Maine. The tranquility of living in a four season area brings to us nature at its best during the four seasons of the year.

The summer season of warm days for golfing, fishing, boating, hiking, bicycling, family picnics, and swimming in the clear waters of our mountain lakes is a treasure for those who live and visit our area. Crisp, colorful fall days with the autumn sun is wonderful for those who enjoy attending agricultural fairs, apple picking, hiking trails and shopping and are events that welcome residents, students, visitors and sports enthusiasts to the area. Winter entices shoppers, skiers, snowmobilers, ice fishermen and ice skaters who come to our area to enjoy and partake in the holiday season as well as the local winter carnivals on the lakes in the region.

The Sebago Lakes area offers a choice of accommodations, restaurants, shops, community programs, and farmers’ markets for visitors. Popular tourist attractions are the Songo River Queen, the Songo Locks, fishing for landlocked salmon on Sebago Lake, the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, and the Deertrees Theatre in Harrison, to name a few of the popular sites in the area. Sebago Lake is the second largest lake in Maine, second only to Moosehead Lake. Sunset cruises, sailing schools, seaplane rides, minature golf and camping are popular vacation amenities in the region.

Tourism in the Area

As a program of the Chamber tourism is a major function of the SLRCC, not just during the summer season but year-round as visitors come to our area for many reasons, such as taking a vacation, conducting business in the area; attending local school programs at our area public and private schools, as well as local colleges; and relocating their families to the area if an employee has transferred within a business. The many phone calls, emails, letters and visits to the Chamber Office occur on a daily basis, seven days per week, as the Chamber is a resource of information for those who come into the Sebago Lakes Region throughout the year.

Chamber Business and Pleasure Guide


The Chamber annually produces a Business and Pleasure Guide of the business members who list their business by name, address, email info, web site, phone numbers, colorful ads and contact names within the booklet. As a community service the SLRCC also lists community information such as houses of worship, area community events by date and location, local town information for the seven towns served by the Chamber, a regional map, and local environmental contact information.

In addition community events are published such as Chamber information on the fundraisers held throughout the year, the Scholarship Program for students with a need to receive funding who are seeking a college degree and plan on returning to the Sebago Lakes Region and start or work for a local business, and library information.

This booklet is distributed throughout the state of Maine to other Chambers of Commerce, to the Maine Tourism Association’s Information Centers in Kittery, Yarmouth and Fryeburg, and to organizations who contact the Chamber and have a need to know what our community has to offer. Visitors from all over the world contact the Chamber to seek information about our region.

Chamber Information Booths

During the summer season, the SLRCC opens two Information Booths daily – one in Windham located at 911 Roosevelt Trail, co-located on the Allied Real Estate property near White’s Bridge Road, and another in Naples located at 1010 Roosevelt Trail, on the Village Green, near the Town Hall and Post Office. Inside these booths are business and community brochures, restaurant menus, historical pictures of the area, maps of the area including hiking/biking trail maps, media press releases detailing local events of the Chamber, the Chamber bi-monthly newsletter, Chamber pictures of current events, local phone directories and many other documents pertinent to the region.

Business members and the community residents are encouraged to stop by the booths to obtain information regarding the area and to pick up the brochures of the members of the Chamber. If you have not visited one of our Information Booths, please stop by. The SLRCC is also a member of the Western Maine Lakes and Mountains Region and we are listed in their Information Guide – the website link

If you are interested in learning more about our Chamber programs please contact the Chamber Office at 892-8265, or stop by the Chamber Business Office located at 816 Roosevelt Trail in Windham.

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