Christine McClellan, 55, is running for a second term on the Raymond Board of Selectmen. She is a registered Independent who lives on 14 Rattlesnake Road in Raymond.

McClellan graduated from Windham High School and the University of Maine in Orono. Over the years, she has worked many different jobs. For the past 11 years, she and her family have owned and operated Sunset Variety in Raymond.

Why are you running for the Board of Selectmen?

Christine McClellan: There is some business that is left to be finished and I would like to see it through, specifically more of the Comprehensive Plan being implemented. The committee for implementing (it) has been hard at work since January, meeting twice a week to rewrite some ordinances, to change some zoning all of which were indicated by the goals, the strategy, the plans set forth in what the community as a whole wanted to see for Raymond.

How do you think you can work with a board, whose opinions may vary at times, to effect change?

McClellan: It’s been a wonderful board. Most of the issues we’re in agreement about so it’s been an easy relationship. New people coming on have to feel their way around because, oftentimes, if you go in with a particular opinion about something, you discover there are aspects that you haven’t considered before that are relevant to a decision that is right for the community as a whole. But I think all the candidates are very good candidates. I don’t see a problem with any of them.


What do you think has prepared you for this position?

McClellan: Only that I’ve had the three years behind me. For the most part I think that I’ve done a very good job and been a good advocate for the community as a whole. I’m particularly proud that the Route 302 project came to fruition two years ago. It’s been a happy and delightful thing to watch people use the sidewalks and enjoy it more. So that’s one of my prouder moments because I served as chair of that committee.

What do you think is the biggest single challenge that the Town of Raymond faces in the next three years?

McClellan: The growth. A lot of people don’t recognize the growth that is happening. That to me is the greatest challenge. We have large projects that are coming forward very soon and that’s going to have an impact on the town.

How does having someone like you, with experience on the Board of Selectmen, benefit the citizens of Raymond?

McClellan: I think I’ve got a unique situation here [at the store] in that I get a chance to listen to people all day long and so I take those comments and concerns with me. We do get a wide variety of the citizens of Raymond who come through this door so hopefully I have listened well and helped them in that regard and in trying to keep our taxes as low as we possibly can. I’m doing my best.

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