By most accounts, the growing season is going swimmingly. Take wild blueberries, for example. For the week ending Aug. 3, 96 percent of the blueberry crop was reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Northeast Regional Office as being in good or excellent condition.

“Crop quality and size are excellent with the previous rains and cool night temperatures, but ripening is uneven,” David Yarborough reported from Hancock County. Fruit flies were trapped and controlled with insecticide spray, he said. Other crops were faring well, too.

“The almost perfect growing season continues,” Larry James reported from Aroostook County. “Most all first cuttings of hay are finished. The potato crop looks excellent with no talk of blight so far. Grain harvest will start this week.”

In Cumberland County, the apples were “sizing up well,” said Sandy Trulsow. But there were some trouble spots.

The hay and corn crops in Franklin County were hampered some by wet weather.

“We need some sunshine,” said Gary J. Raymond.

— Staff reports

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