Candidate has ‘steady approach’

To the editor,

In a political season of such acute dysfunction and discord, it is an absolute delight to be able to encourage neighbors to take a good look at a unique candidate for state senate in our district, Anne Carney. I do not recall being more impressed by a leader’s capacity to listen and hear, to share ideas with an open heart and mind, and then to reach for rational, fair-minded, steady approaches to common goals.

Perhaps it’s a function of the times in which we live, but I am first drawn to support Anne because of her demeanor, intelligence and values. And then I am drawn to support Anne because of her genuine desire and capacity to get things done, to move swiftly and progressively to bring us together, using all her years of experience. Her commitment to sustaining Maine’s growth in rational, ecological ways for all Mainers, including new and vulnerable neighbors from afar, is inspiring.

We face as tough a political climate as we’ve ever had. In Anne Carney, we have an opportunity to send to Augusta a leader with grace and brainpower. Anne is given to building up Maine and shaping a future through an energetic and disciplined vision. Check her out. I bet you, too, will be impressed.

Timothy A. Boggs


Cape Elizabeth

Candidate is ‘professional, kind, welcoming’

To the editor,

I write in support of Anne Carney, candidate for the Maine State Senate, District 29, which covers South Portland, Cape Elizabeth and Scarborough.

I’ve known Anne Carney from day at the state house with Emerge Maine, whose mission is to increase the number of Democratic women leaders from diverse backgrounds in public office through recruitment, training and providing a powerful network. Carney is professional, kind, and welcoming. During my time with Anne Carney, she listened, answered my questions, and took time out of her busy schedule to make me feel included.

Anne Carney is highly qualified to be our state senator because she believes in protecting the environment, making health care affordable and advocating for public education. One particular issue that she has helped to support is LD 1539: the act to provide Maine children access to affordable health care. This bill has been supported by Sen. Rebecca Millett, Sen. Cathy Breen, and countless others in the Maine legislature. This is just one of many bills, joint orders and joint resolutions that she has sponsored and co-sponsored.

I urge the voters of South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, and Scarborough to vote for Anne Carney on Nov. 3.

Margaret Brownlee

South Portland

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