The Scarborough Fire Department, in collaboration with local Emergency Management, Town Officials, and the School Department, has been closely monitoring the Novel Coronavirus 2019 outbreak, also known as COVID-19, since the first case was reported in the United States on Jan. 21. Please know the health and well-being of our community remains our top priority, and we will continue to work to bring you the latest information to keep our community and beyond healthy.

As of this writing, there are no suspected or confirmed cases in the State of Maine. As we have seen, the news cycle changes several times daily and you can be assured that your first responders and emergency planners are tuned in. Scarborough Public Safety (Police, Fire, EMS, Communications) have been involved in background preparations for weeks. Most recently, our town operated PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), has been directed to, and implemented, a 911 telephone screening tool. These brief questions will assist with processing 911 calls and provide critical information to protect the public and all of our first responders.

Our community is very fortunate in the fact that our public safety departments along with the School Department’s District Emergency Management Team, have a long-standing commitment to planning for a variety of events. Because of these pre-established relationships, our ability to quickly come to together and hit the ground running will be a clear advantage in the event we need to stand up a formal response.

It is important to note that the latest data indicates that the vast majority of people (80 percent) will have mild, cold-like symptoms if they contract the disease. That same data has also shown that following the precautionary guidelines set by CDC will dramatically reduce your risk of contracting COVID 19.

Referencing guidance from Maine CDC, the following are sound practices to limit the spread of COVID-19.

• Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap (best). Use hand sanitizers when soap and water are not an option.


• Avoid close contact with people who are actively sick (coughing, sneezing, fever).

• STAY HOME from work, school and other locations if you become sick with respiratory symptoms including but not limited to, fever and cough.

Our town officials have worked hard to put our community in the best position possible to respond to any crisis. Please stay informed and follow the simple guidance offered by the CDC, emergency managers, and your first responders.

Rest assured, we are continually working with our public health partners to provide you with the latest guidance and actions you can take to support a healthy community. If you have any questions about this article or any fire department or emergency medical system questions you may contact me at or by calling 207-730-4203.

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