Many people in Maine applaud the good work of the health care workers caring for the victims of Ebola, but at the same time they are more than a little nervous over the caregivers’ seemingly cavalier attitude to the safety and well-being of those around them.

It is this level of arrogance that is very upsetting to those who aren’t in the medical profession. When a doctor returns from the “hot zone,” he decides to tour New York City – because how could he possibly be a danger to anyone – he’s a doctor.

Next thing, he’s burning up and in Bellevue with Ebola. Does this make anyone trust the judgment of any medical professional returning from Ebola-stricken countries? Not likely.

All the medical professionals who have been infected were wrapped head to toe, yet still became infected. If you haven’t noticed, none of the people in New York who came in contact with the doctor’s sweat were wrapped head to toe.

It is unlikely they will become infected, but what if? How would any reader feel if they became infected, brought it home to their family and a family member died?

Simple common sense would dictate that nurse Kaci Hickox should have seen this coming and submitted to the restrictions on her own. I would prefer for her to live in a tent for three weeks than have her accidentally kill 500 or a thousand people because we bowed down to her arrogance.

It is likely that her boyfriend in Fort Kent will be persona non grata at the University of Maine campus there, and for good reason. The average person in Fort Kent doesn’t want to be forced to play Russian roulette with their lives or those of their families.

Michael Doyle


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