Assistant librarian Carla McAllister, left, and head librarian Suzan Hawkins gaze into their homemade “magic mirror,” reminiscent of the one used in the classic TV program “Romper Room,” during the March 31 broadcast of StoryTime televised on the town’s local access station. Photo by Patti Mikkelsen

StoryTime on NGTV

With the library closed to the public, head librarian Suzan Hawkins and assistant librarian Carla McAllister transported Hawkins’ traditional StoryTime to the Meetinghouse for a March 31 telecast of the children’s weekly program. Technical support was provided from the control room by NGTV’s camera operator Mark Bowie.

Miss Sue opened the show with a reading of the Sandra Boynton book, “Blue Hat, Green Hat,” and Miss Carla chimed in by adding sound effects. Miss Carla also read poetry scattered into the program, while Miss Sue read books with subject matter ranging from mud to a green pea, as well as a mystery for the older children to solve. The librarians recreated a StoryTime feature of finger plays, including “Old Gray Kitty Cat.”

Much to the delight of the audience, consisting of a row of stuffed animals and yours truly, the librarians ended the show with Magic Mirror, a staple of “Romper Room,” a children’s program originally released in 1953. Remember “Romper Stomper Bomper Boo,” anyone? During the segment, Hawkins revealed that this is the name of her much loved teddy bear from 60-plus years ago, who sat on her lap during the segment.

StoryTime was broadcast live and is available as video-on-demand at Additional episodes are on hold until the stay-at-home order is lifted.

Pineland’s market reopens

After much deliberation, the management of The Market at Pineland has decided that the market can reopen using a curbside pickup program that keeps both their customers and staff safe. This program will limit interactions between people and permit staff members to work at a safe distance from one another.

Their online store at has returned, stocked with several hundred items, including many items made right from the farm such as fresh eggs, meats, lettuce and their own maple syrup. Customers shop online, pay online and receive a call from a staff member who will arrange for pickup at The Market located at 15 Farm View Drive.

Most orders can be filled same day, but customers are asked to allow up to 24 hours for order fulfillment. New items are being added to the online store every day.

Patti Mikkelsen can be contacted at

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