Recycling has resumed at the transfer station, as of May 5. From this columnist’s observation, most transfer station patrons on May 16 disposed of all of their household waste in the trash compactor. Unnecessarily adding to the tonnage is very costly to taxpayers. Photo by Patti Mikkelsen

Recycling resumed

The transfer station located at 264 Bald Hill Road has recommenced taking recyclables and demolition materials.

All recyclables must be properly separated before arriving. Cardboard must be broken down. Transfer station attendants do not handle your recyclables. Demolition materials are limited to one load/trip per week.

Universal waste (electronics) is not accepted.

Patrons are asked to maintain a social distance (a minimum of 6 feet) while at the transfer station. Call 926-3145 for more clarification.

Strawberry Festival canceled

Beverly Cadigan, president of the New Gloucester Historical Society, announces the cancellation of the 2020 Strawberry Festival due to coronavirus concerns. She notes that this year’s event would have reached the milestone of its 45th year.

She and strawberry leader Kathie Anderson thank the many volunteers who have made this event possible: the First Congregational Church for use of their kitchen and vestry, Hodgman’s Frozen Custard for their special vanilla custard, Pineland Farms for their strawberries, the Hall Family Band for their spirited music and all of the attendees who came to enjoy strawberry desserts and community fellowship while supporting the historical society. A 2021 Strawberry Festival is anticipated.

Request an absentee ballot

The primary/special state referendum election is scheduled for July 14. Those who would like to obtain absentee ballots may either visit the state website and complete the absentee ballot request form or print off the form from under “Elections” and mail the completed form to Town Office, 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine 04260.

Patti Mikkelsen can be contacted at

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