Portland suspended the required purple fee-for-trash bags during the pandemic but if you can afford it, I encourage you to use them anyway. Portland needs the revenues. Cities and states are already struggling fiscally as a result of the pandemic and the ensuing recession.

Likewise, if you are able, donate to local organizations that help our neighbors in need like Preble Street, Good Shepard Food Bank, the Maine Access Immigrant Network. And the landlords among us, reduce your rents.

Let’s also commit to shopping locally. Instead of Whole Foods, shop from Rosemont Markets, the Portland Co-op and local makers, bakers and brewers.
At the very least, buy local products at Whole Foods and Hannaford.

If Portland is going to make it through the pandemic-induced recession, we need to be in this together and keep it local.

Instead of Amazon, order books though local suppliers like Print and Longfellow Books, and shop from local clothes makers like suger or Portland Trading Co, a locally owned shop committed to sourcing items from independent designers.

Better yet, by used from Material Objects, Find, Flea for All and Portland Trading Co. and get a two-for-one: locally owned and better for the environment!

Along those same lines – shop at farmers’ markets and buy a CSA from Cultivating Community or one of the many local farmers using sustainable practices.

For other ideas go to: portlandbuylocal.org

Lisa Morris

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