On July 1, the Libby Memorial Library in Old Orchard Beach will re-open the building to limited public access with the following restrictions in place:

1) There will be no more than five patrons allowed in the Library at any one time

2) There will be specified time limits for patron library visits — 30 minutes on the hour, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday

3) Patrons wanting to come into the Library must make an appointment via email, phone or Facebook message

4) Patrons will be expected to wear masks or face coverings which cover both nose and mouth, while in the Library. Staff will do the same.

5) Patrons will comply with 6-foot social distancing from staff and other patrons


6) Restrooms will be closed.

7) Public access computer (PAC) use will be limited to one person at a time for a period of 30 minutes, once per day

8) Materials browsing will be allowed, however, items removed from shelves by patrons, and not checked out, will be quarantined and disinfected before being re-shelved — gloves will be provided and patrons asked to use them when handling Library materials

9) Holds are limited to the Libby Memorial Library collection only (per Maine Infonet)

10) Curbside (parking lot) service will continue throughout the summer for convenience and to eliminate the need to come into the building.

11) Patrons coming into the Library will limit personal items brought in, such as purses, backpacks, bags, etc., and will not set anything down, other than returned materials in the designated areas


12) No food or drink, including closed containers, will be allowed in the Library

13) Non-compliance with the above measures may result in loss of Library privileges

14) Mandated at the State level, there will be no inter-library loans, nor is reciprocal borrowing available

For more iformation or assistance, contact the library at 934-4351, info@ooblibrary.org, on Facebook or visit the website www.ooblibrary.org.

The above guidelines have been developed in compliance with recommendations from the Maine State Library, Maine CDC, Maine DECD and the Governor’s Office and may be subject to change. (Approved by OOBFPLA Board of Trustees 06/09/2020)

NOTE: Do not request Library access if you are feeling ill or have been exposed to Covid-19.

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