Mobile technology and your manners

To the editor,

The coronavirus pandemic has given us a new perspective on what it means to be connected. Overall data usage on mobile devices has spiked in recent months. This increase has heightened our awareness of common annoyances related to mobile technology use among family members and out in public. In recognition of Cellphone Courtesy Month, here are some easy etiquette tips to put into practice.

Refrain from being unnecessarily noisy since sounds can travel well beyond social distancing parameters. Set ringers and vibration patterns on low and be mindful of voice volume. Also, consider using earbuds or headphones whenever possible.

Find balance tied to usage and responsiveness. Fight the urge to constantly check notifications and incoming messages as it’s distracting and inconsiderate to others. Strive to set technology aside and engage with those around you. Encourage others to do the same by not expecting immediate responses.

Implement best practices for video conferencing. Give the software a trial run. Then, mute audio unless currently speaking to minimize interference, avoid multi-tasking and set a time limit and stick to it.

Remember devices are high-touch surfaces. Help slow the spread of germs by using 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipes to gently clean devices. Avoid setting devices on public surfaces and refrain from asking others to touch or hand you your device.

Keeping these mobile manners top of mind will help facilitate more courteous connections as we transition back to some level of normalcy this summer.

Matt Kasper
Director of sales for U.S. Cellular in New England

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