Elect Jon Anderson for Town Council

To the editor,

I am writing to ask you to join me in supporting Jon Anderson for a seat on the Scarborough Town Council. As a single, senior citizen it is important to me that we elect people who will listen to all Scarborough residents — seniors living on a fixed income, as well as those with growing families, and single adults.

Jon, as a founder of the group Scarborough Connections, has demonstrated that he believes all points of view are equally valuable. During our lockdown Jon and his wife, reached out to me and helped me with grocery shopping. The kindness and compassion they showed to me is indicative of the values they live by.

Jon has a strong professional background in financial management and strategic planning, working for both the government and private sector for more than a decade. I believe that he will bring a reasoned, compassioned, civil, and deliberate analysis to the problems and challenges we face as we “move forward together” as a town. I hope you will join me in voting for Jon Anderson for Scarborough Town Council.

Denise P. Smith


To the Editor:

I support Jonathan Anderson for Town Council and I encourage you to vote for him on Nov. 3.

I have worked with Jon on the Scarborough Community Connections organization since February 2019 and I’ve been impressed with his strong leadership qualities. Jon has been instrumental in helping our group define its role and stay on task in its execution.

Jon brings strong leadership qualities that will benefit Scarborough as we move forward as a community. While he has the professional background to understand the financial issues related to Scarborough’s future, he also brings an uncanny ability to bring people together in order to move forward. Jon listens to all sides of an issue and articulates a vision and outlines an approach that honors the viewpoints of all participants.

Jon’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of all our residents makes him the type of leader Scarborough needs as the community defines our future.

Please support Jonathan Anderson for Scarborough’s Town Council.


Scott Woodard

Vote Frayla Tarpinian for Town Council

To the editor,

I believe Frayla Tarpinian would be an amazing and valued addition to Scarborough’s Town Council.

I met Frayla over 10 years ago and was immediately impressed with her communication and listening skills. Just a brief conversation with her will reveal her passion for our community, our environment, our schools and our residents. As an experienced prosecutor and litigator, Frayla is knowledgeable about public safety and skilled in negotiations and mediation. She is willing to listen to all sides of an issue and not afraid to offer alternative perspectives.

Frayla is personable, professional, fair and logical. Her commitment to justice is not limited to processes within the judicial system, but in her strong commitment to assuring all parties are heard, and to reaching fair and reasonable solutions to issues.


I believe Frayla will bring an ability to work collaboratively with her fellow councilors to effectively promulgate town policies that are in the best interests of all of us.

For those of you who don’t know Frayla, I hope you reach out to her to have a conversation. I’m sure it will be a worthy investment of your time.

I am voting for Frayla Tarpinian for town council this November and I hope you will join me in supporting her!

Penny S. Whitney-Asdourian

Hamill supports three for Town Council

To the editor,


I am writing to express my support for three candidates for the Scarborough Town Council. This endorsement is mine alone and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Scarborough Town Council where I serve as Vice Chair.

Nick McGee is one of three new challengers. He currently chairs the Scarborough Planning Board where he has served for seven years. He represents several key constituencies in town where he is a parent of three children in Scarborough Schools, a small business owner, and a homeowner and taxpayer. I have witnessed his leadership and calm, thoughtful demeanor in reviews of development plans and regulations. He has demonstrated his ability and commitment through dedication and service. Going forward he has the expertise to help us manage complex, growth and development pressures.

Jean-Marie Caterina is running for re-election as a Town Councilor. I have worked closely with her in her role as Chair of the Ordinance Committee and as a fellow member of the Appointments and Negotiations Committee. She is devoted to service and works diligently to move matters forward in a fair and disciplined fashion. Though we represent different parts of the political spectrum – she has helped me learn the value of keeping an open mind and avoiding misconceptions. She is a valued colleague and collaborator.

John Cloutier stepped into his role as a councilor in June 2019 for an initial 18-month term. He has distinguished himself with immediate contributions to the council as a rational and honest voice of reason who backs up his positions with facts and analysis – which can be a rarity in politics. He has been a reliable advocate for our schools based on his experience as a parent with three children. He also has the perspective of a small business owner and former corporate executive. John adds great value and insights in the areas of budgeting, through service on the Finance, Communications, and Rules and Policy Committees.

Please join me to promote these three willing and worthy individuals for town council this year. They will help us keep our town on the right track as we confront today’s challenges and face the inevitable uncertainty of tomorrow’s.

Don Hamill


Support Leanne Kazilionis for School Board

To the editor,

The past few years have been tough for our schools. However, Leanne Kazilionis has led us through the challenges with both humility and grace. She stepped up to serve as chair when five new members joined the Board. Under her leadership, my trust has been restored in their ability to deliver on their mission. Since she’s joined, the school budget has passed three years on the first vote! And recently, she’s helped our schools obtain additional state funding to address the coronavirus and keep our kids and community safe. Just one of these challenges would have been plenty for most of us. After dealing with these major issues, why would anyone want to run for another term? It’s because of her devotion to our children. They motivate her. They inspire her. They give her the strength to overcome whatever challenges our schools face. And each time she comes out more determined than ever to make our schools great. It’s truly remarkable. We still have challenges ahead, and her work is not yet done. We need good, determined and hardworking people on the Board looking out for the best interests of our children and balance the financial demands on our community. I trust the education and safety of my children in her hands. Please join me in voting for Leanne for a 2nd term on the Board of Education. Let Leanne continue the great work she has been doing for our children and our town.

Jon Anderson

Stacy Anderson for Senate District 29

To the editor,


I generally do not write letters or state my opinions, but in this matter I couldn not resist, having first hand dealings with Stephanie Anderson, being a defendent in a county she oversaw for 28 years as the district atorney I can state this.

First off, she is a class act, always straight forward and fair, compassionate with an overview of the bigger picture, obviously a Maine trait.

Second, it’s time for leadership with toughness and grit, a person I feel that would never sway to the political whims of Augusta, and stand for what is right, even if unpopular.

Many people that have delt with Ms. Anderson in the courts have found that though at times her decisions may have not been what they wanted, the decisions were always fair and respected, as was Ms. Anderson. Knowing that her job was and is looking for the greater good of the community.

In closing, Stephanie Anderson would make an exceptional senator for Maine, as she was an exceptional DA, and person. It’s time to elect a strong smart lady to represent this district and help in keeping Maine, Maine.

Jonathan L. Pease


Elect John Dittmer to School Board

To the editor,

I am writing in support of John (David) Dittmer’s candidacy for Scarborough School Board. I can honestly say that nearly every interaction I’ve had with Dave has been related to school programs and events. Dave and I served on a fundraising committee together for the Scarborough Education Foundation a few years ago and have volunteered together for the Gym Dandies program since our similarly aged children first started in it over 6 years ago. Dave is intelligent, well-spoken, and a pragmatic thinker. He is a passionate supporter of academics, the arts, and sports in Scarborough Schools.

Dave will be a fierce advocate for our students, and he believes that “an investment in our schools is an investment in our community.” I couldn’t agree more! I’m proud to support Dave in his candidacy and believe that he will be a valuable addition to our school board. Please join me in voting for John David Dittmer for school board!

Betsy Chalmers

Anne Carney for Senate District 29


To the editor,

I am writing in support of Anne Carney who is the Democratic candidate for Maine Senate District 29. Currently Anne is serving in the Maine House of Representatives. I really appreciate the focus and attention Anne is giving to such important issues as health care, our precious environment, education and Maine’s difficult economic situation due to the pandemic. You can read more about Anne’s work in the Legislature and her vision for the future on her website at anneformaine.com. There you will see her many endorsements as well. Anne is dedicated to encouraging bi-partisan support for the issues affecting all Maine citizens. She brings respect and dignity to the government process and works tirelessly for us all. I hope you will join me in voting for Anne Carney as our next Maine Senator for District 29.

Janice Drinan

Stacy Brenner for Senate District 30

To the editor,

I have known Stacy Brenner and her family for almost 15 years, both personally and professionally as a catering chef. Stacy is a fierce advocate and a legitimate Renaissance woman. She will fight for women’s reproductive health and access to safe and legal abortions. Her various roles as a nurse, farmer, community leader and business owner give her an advantage over career politicians who offer empty promises. We are in a crucial moment in history, and I believe Stacy’s unwavering stance on this issue will protect a woman’s right to choose. Please join me in supporting Stacy Brenner for Senate District 30.


Wendy Cassetta

Vote Sara Rivard for State Senate District 30

To the editor,

After serving eight years in the Maine Legislature, I have had the experience of working alongside people of all stripes. There are many nice people, but, frankly, there are also many people who have such a strong allegiance to their own agenda that the individuals whom they serve are frequently ignored.

Dr. Sara Rivard is a candidate for Maine Senate District 30 (Gorham, parts of Scarborough and Buxton), and she is one of those rare people who truly cares about people. As a doctor, she knows that effectively restoring health means to care for the whole person, not just treating isolated symptoms. Similarly, she understands that our government has been broken for a long time; more than 40 years of one party control has blocked many important voices, many important votes, and many important decisions.

Sara knows it is time for elected officials to listen to the people of Maine. It is time to respect the oath of office to defend and uphold the Constitution. It is time to change the highly-charged political climate and focus on Maine’s needs. On Nov. 3, I will be happily casting my vote for Sara Rivard for the Maine Senate.


Hon. Heather Sirocki

Support Shawn Babine for State House

To the editor,

Hello my name is Nicholas Gill and I would like to submit the following letter to the editor in support of reelecting Representative Shawn Babine.

We live in divisive times; therefore, it is imperative that our elected leaders bring experience and perspective to their work.

Representative Shawn Babine served on both Scarborough’s Board of Education and Town Council before he was elected to represent Scarborough as a state representative in Augusta. Additionally, Shawn volunteered for 34 years in the American Legion’s Maine Boys State Program, which was founded to educate high school juniors on the collaborative function and purpose of government. As a Scarborough native, Boy’s State alumnus, Scarborough Board of Education member, and legislative Liaison to the Board, I admire Representative Babine’s commitment, approachability, and experience. He always makes time to listen to constituents and report back about what is happening in Augusta. His ongoing dedication is paramount to keeping Scarborough in the conversation and is precisely why I will be voting to keep him at the State House.

Nicholas Gill

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