Did you see the king tides last week and wonder how flooding will impact your community? How sea level rise and stronger storms may affect the ecosystems, economy, infrastructure and social fabric of South Portland? Not to mention, how is the city planning for a future with higher seas? A new resource just launched by the city’s Sustainability Office starts to answer those exact questions.

“Preparing for Coastal Flooding in South Portland” is an online, interactive map that allows residents to see where and how the city may experience coastal flooding over the next 80 years. Users can explore the projected impacts of coastal flooding at places of interest.

Two community conversations on coastal flooding are planned for Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Friday, Dec. 18 from noon to 1 p.m. Register online at oneclimatefuture.org/events. Courtesy / One Climate Future photo

Start exploring with your home, then move to a favorite park, check out the local grocery store, follow along your commute to work, or maybe zoom into the pump station down the road. There is something for everyone. The resource shares efforts already underway to build community resilience and invites you to gather observations that contribute to our shared understanding of local changes.

Becoming a more resilient community begins with building knowledge of local hazards and vulnerabilities. To get us started, the city will host two virtual community conversations in December. These conversations will use the new resource to frame a dialogue about coastal flooding impacts and adaptation in our neighborhoods and community.

Mark your calendars to join us for a community conversation on Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. or Friday, Dec. 18 from noon to 1 p.m. Register online at oneclimatefuture.org/events. Until then, we invite you to visit the coastal flooding resource at https://tinyurl.com/flooding-SoPo.

“Preparing for Coastal Flooding in South Portland” was developed in partnership with the Gulf of Maine Research Institute under award to Maine Coastal Program from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Our Sustainable City is a recurring column in the Sentry intended to provide residents with news and information about sustainability initiatives in South Portland. The Sustainability Office is staffed by a full-time director and full-time program coordinator, and is located on the first floor of city hall.

Lucy Perkins is sustainability program coordinator for South Portland. She can be reached at lperkins@southportland.org or 207-347-4147.

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