Last Sunday’s article “Bills seek to ban female transgender athletes from girls’ school sports” (March 27) outlined a complex issue but didn’t offer much of a solution. The nuclear option of completely banning female transgender athletes from sports is terrible. The camaraderie and inclusion of school sports can be a lifeline to many who participate. I believe it’s fair to say genetic males have a distinct advantage over genetic females, so how do we manage this?

Connecticut (where three families have sued, alleging that allowing transgender athletes to participate creates an unfair competitive environment) is an example of how there is no uniform policy at the state level on how to address this issue. Schools at the forefront haven’t thought through all the ramifications.

Transgender girls should be allowed to compete if their results are separate and don’t affect the standings. The reason is the hormone therapy they will undergo, which will eventually level the playing field. That therapy normally doesn’t begin until after puberty and will ultimately be followed by sex-reassignment surgery. Yes, there are puberty-blocking drugs, but puberty and its impact are very personalized. This is more about testosterone levels than bone structure and lung capacity, and that should be the focus.

A basic tenet of sports is fair play, where equally skilled competitors have the same chance to win. This is essential, and in sports, there are always rules to keep the competition fair. Fair enough. We just need some rules and perhaps a greater emphasis on participation over competition.

Gary Dick

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