Eddie Woodin, a Scarborough resident, is hosting a garden tour on his property at 34 Clearwater Drive on July 31 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year, the 17th year of the tour, Woodin said he will have a display setup about bird feeding, including materials and information. He and some members of Citizens for a Green Scarborough are also planning to recognize and thank the town of Scarborough for the work done to keep pesticides and herbicides off of town properties over the last 10 years. Catherine Bart photo

Eddie Woodin said in 2020 that one of the most fun parts of planting is playing with colors. For Woodin’s 17th annual garden tour on July 31, there will be a few different displays due to his frequent work in the garden over the pandemic, he said. Catherine Bart/Leader




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