The hypocrisy of Gov. LePage and his administration never ceases to amaze. The latest debacle regarding the Oxford Street Shelter is the icing on the cake.

On one hand, the governor happily negotiates tax cuts for the richest Mainers and shamelessly wastes over $1 million of precious Maine tax dollars on the ill-fated Alexander report, while, in his next breath, he angrily chastises the city of Portland for not running credit checks on individuals who ask to spend the night at the Oxford Street Shelter.

It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that people are at the shelter for a variety of legitimate reasons, be it mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, whatever … does it really matter? Most likely, the real reason they are there is that the state has failed them in other ways. As the LePage administration chips away at demolishing the support systems for needy people, more and more will be forced to seek out places like the Oxford Street Shelter.

Perhaps the governor and his dedicated sidekick, Mary Mayhew (the secretary of no human services), need a refresher course in reality. I challenge them to show up one of these nights and a) actually spend the night at the shelter and see how luxurious it is, sleeping with the other 250 souls who are “gaming the system,” or b) be sent away (for having too much money in the bank) and spend the night on the streets. Maybe then this heartless duo could find some empathy. But wait, first the governor has to return from vacationing in Florida.

Katherine Maxsimic


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