This is the 400th piece I’ve written for my weekly “Just a Little Old” column. That’s nearly 3 million words, for better or worse, over nearly eight years. Thanks to the Times Record for giving me the chance to have my voice heard.

Some reflections:

It’s been a pleasure to celebrate people who are making a difference in the community and the world through their work, their volunteer efforts and their overall good cheer.

I love writing about people and organizations devoted to the arts — theater, music, art and creative writing. We need their voices and their talents more than ever.

I appreciate being able to opine on some of the major issues facing us today, such as gun control, abortion rights, climate change and racism. One person expressed his appreciation that my piece on gun control was fair and balanced. Another person thanked me for writing about my having giving up alcohol over 30 years ago, as alcoholism has affected his own family.

Consistent with the “Just a Little Old” title, I’ve expressed my thoughts on issues facing us older folks, such as fading memories and declining physical skills and high tech frustrations and the need to downsize.


People seem to appreciate learning about some of the extraordinary Bowdoin students that Tina and I have known and mentored over the years.

I’m heartened by the amazing support our community gives to significant non-profit organizations, such as Mid Coast Hunger Prevention, Midcoast Senior College, Planned Parenthood, local libraries and many many others.

Readers know of my negative feelings (to put it mildly) about Donald Trump. Actually, I started making my anti-Trump position known since well before he even considered running for President. Some loyal readers have suggested that I stop writing about Trump; they hope he just goes away. Well, he hasn’t gone away, nor does he plan to do so. I will continue pointing out that Trump and Trumpism represent a mortal threat to the future of our democracy and to our nation’s commitment to the rule of law. I long for the day when Republican leaders stand up to this narcissistic con man and toss him into the dustbin of history.

I’m happy to continue writing this column (pro bono) as long as The Times Record will let me to do so. That said, I hope that more readers will take the time to write a letter to the editor or, even better, an opinion piece about anything and everything. For example, one reader took great offense to my column likening Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin. I encouraged him to write an opinion piece to the Times Record expressing specifically why that was an unfair comparison. He has not yet done so.

Thanks to everyone who reads this column and especially those who have taken the time to thank me or, yes, take me on. This community needs a strong local paper.

Finally, I welcome suggestions from readers about future “Just a Little Old” columns. I’ve become good friends with some of the people I’ve profiled at the suggestion of a reader. Please do keep reading and please do keep your suggestions coming.

Thank you.

David Treadwell, a Brunswick writer welcomes commentary and suggestions for future “Just a Little Old” columns.

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