
Meteorologist shares adventures

WMTW Meteorologist Sarah Long will speak at the Westbrook Historical Society meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at the Westbrook Community Center.

Long will speak about her time spent living and working on the top of Mt. Washington and about her recent trip to Antarctica.

Events at the historical society are free, member Lorraine Glidden said. Refreshments will be served.

Library friends meet to plan Valentine’s Tea

Friends of Walker Memorial Library will meet from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 26, to plan for the library’s annual Valentine’s Tea Party, according to Friends member Kelly Day.


The tea is scheduled for Feb. 11. Those who would like to help the Friends decorate and set up for the event on Feb. 10 should attend the Jan. 26 meeting or call the library at 854-0630.

The Friends group is also looking for new officers.


Tale of the mini sailboat

A foot-long sailboat’s 6,000-mile trip across the Atlantic Ocean will discussed at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, at a meeting of Legion Post 62 at its Dunn Street headquarters.

Students and teachers in Rye, New Hampshire, built the “Rye Riptides” as part of a study of oceans, currents and climates. It was placed in the gulf stream off the New Hampshire coast and tracked by GPS until it disappeared. Months after the tracking signal was lost, it returned. The boat had landed without mast and keel on a snow-covered island off the coast of Norway.

Attendees at the Feb. 1 meeting will hear who found Rye Riptides’ remains.  Cassie Stymiest, founder of Educational Passages in Kennebunk, and Sheila Adams, a Rye junior high school science teacher, will make the presentation.

Profenno’s will cater a meal of spaghetti and meatballs for $10 per person with no reservations.
The meeting is open to American Legion members from area posts in the second district, and on this occasion special invitations have been issued to members of the Westbrook’s Veterans Advisory Committee and the Westbrook Middle School principal.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on Jan. 31, 1973, that William Ward, his wife and their sons, Kevin and Mark, were enjoying their new home at 33 Carlson St. They relocated from 335 Cumberland St.

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