It seems that many ideas as to what Portland should be doing to boost its stock of affordable housing come from citizens in its surrounding communities. Maybe it’s time for them to put those ideas to work closer to home.

During President Barack Obama’s time in office, he often spoke about economic mobility. The housing initiatives put forward by Obama in speeches highlighted his commitment to giving low-income people a genuine chance at moving to opportunities elsewhere.

It would be great for Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland and Scarborough to take on the challenge set forth by President Obama’s years in office, to put into action the spirit of his housing initiatives and start building low-income housing so the economically challenged can move to and benefit from an excellent education, become better prepared for college, be able to live safely and have greater access in these communities to wealth.

What better roadmap would someone who is economically disadvantaged need than to have their children learning from the most capable?

Jim Mooney

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