During a July 30 WGAN radio interview, Gov. LePage was asked, “Are you worried about an impeachment procedure?”

He replied: “If the people of Maine want me, I’ll do the job. If they don’t want me, just ask me to leave. You don’t have to impeach me. … So far, I’ve only got four people write me that wanted me to resign.” (The interview link is at tinyurl.com/nzbfp2j, minute 25:45.)

The governor is inviting Mainers to vote him in or out – a vote of confidence, if you will – and he says he’ll abide by the majority’s wishes. Go to tinyurl.com/3bqw68s to contact the governor.

In my own letter to the governor, putting all politics and personalities aside, I said that the stark reality of his administration is that he’s one of the most ineffective governors Maine’s ever had, and that his confrontational, divisive approach to governing has rendered him incapable of accomplishing anything productive.

To exemplify, I said that after nearly five years under his administration, Maine still lags behind most of the country in economic growth, and, equally important, with respect to overall morale, the state is below zero. I said Maine deserves better and he knows it.

I pointed out that, in two elections, a majority of voters made it clear they preferred someone else as governor, but flawed politics got him elected. I also noted that he’s even alienated his own party at this point.


I finished by saying it was unfortunate the Maine Constitution doesn’t allow for a recall vote, but that since he did open the door to leaving office if the people of Maine asked him to do so, I’d take him up on his offer, and asked him to accept my letter as the fifth request for his resignation.

I asked him to do the right thing and what’s best for Maine.

Paul Schlein


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