The Town of Scarborough has nearly 20 citizen-led boards and committees working on a variety of issues to enhance our community. Their efforts are guided by the expertise of citizen volunteers and have a lasting impact in our town. See what some of the boards and committees have been up to in the past few months.

Conservation Commission
The Conservation Commission is currently working to raise awareness of the need to increase conserved lands in Scarborough. They are using Maine’s Climate Action Plan, Maine Won’t Wait, as a guide. It includes a goal to achieve “30×30”, or conserving 30% of land by 2030. Additionally, the Town Council included increasing conserved lands as one of their annual goals. The Town Council has a workshop scheduled for April 19 on the economic benefits of conserved lands.

Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee has been contributing to Zoning Ordinance updates, most recently regarding EV charging infrastructure and currently on small-scale energy systems. In January, the Town Council approved a committee-recommended amendment to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance that requires developers to plan for installation of EV charging infrastructure. Looking ahead, the committee will continue to explore ways of incentivizing energy efficiency upgrades in new construction.

Long Range Planning Committee
After several years helping to develop the 2021 Comprehensive Plan, the LRPC is now tasked with implementing it. This will be an ongoing project for the committee. They are also primarily focused on updating the Town’s Design Standards for Commercial Districts (Town Ordinances, 405B-1) to ensure development in town can remain appealing, as well as environmentally friendly and pedestrian accessible.

Planning Board
The Planning Board continues to review site plans, subdivisions, and other types of applications. Most notably, the Town Center Master Plan for the Scarborough Downs was approved at the end of 2022, with the subdivision review process of the development area to begin in March. Recently, the Board has largely reviewed commercial projects, with Dunstan Tap & Table approved for a small building addition and two hotels near the Maine Mall being reviewed at a sketch plan level. Other projects have included a 5-lot subdivision approval on Martell Way, and a sketch plan for a residential care facility for disabled persons at The Downs. The Planning Board has a vacancy to fill and is currently accepting applications (Learn more at or pick up an application in the Town Clerk’s office).

Transportation Committee
The Transportation committee recently reviewed the Haigis Parkway area in terms of potential Complete Streets standards being implemented along the corridor in the future. They are also conducting an analysis and discussion on the formulation of Bike Byways throughout Town. The committee also finalized the scope of work associated with a Townwide Transportation Study. They’ll be doing more public outreach related to this study in the months ahead. In addition to the Study, this year the committee will be investigating where to begin updates of Traffic Impact Fees in Town. They will also be identifying Transportation “Hot Spots” based on zoning, safety, mobility, access management and roadway connectivity.


Coastal Waters & Harbor Advisory Committee
The Coastal Waters committee has been discussing a few items, including a pier dedication to a former harbormaster and reviewing the current ordinance. They also reviewed and restructured the fees for mooring pier use and boat ramp usage, and are now looking at some pier and pedestrian walkway repairs to the infrastructure at the co-op. They have been discussing water quality testing and better labeling of public access to waterfront areas at Pine Point.

Shellfish Committee
The Shellfish Committee has been working diligently on what conservation time for license holders entails and making updates to the ordinance. There is an ordinance requirement for license holders to complete conservation time — volunteer work like conducting shellfish surveys and trapping invasive green crabs—as a parameter of annual licensing issuance, as it helps support the sustainability of the Scarborough Marsh.

Community Services Advisory Board
The Community Services Advisory Board acts as a sounding board for the Community Services Department. The Town Council recently reviewed and accepted the Parks and Facilities Master Plan. During that motion they requested the Community Services Advisory Board provide recommendations on implementation strategies of the plan. The Board will be discussing these strategies over the next few meetings.

Apply to Join a Committee
Our municipal government relies on the volunteer service of residents on boards and committees. The following boards/committees currently have vacancies: ADA Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission, Historic Preservation Implementation Committee, Planning Board, Senior Advisory Board, Sustainability Committee. Visit our Boards & Committees page to apply to fill a vacancy or for access to meeting agendas. Use the Town Calendar for a look at recent meetings and links to recordings.

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