As a proud grandfather of 12 amazing grandchildren, I have personally experienced the importance of quality child care in the lives of working parents. Many mornings I find myself behind the wheel, driving some of my grandchildren to their child care center. While their caregiver is undeniably exceptional, it is impossible to ignore the burdens they bear.

It is high time we come together to support and strengthen Maine’s child care industry, not only for the sake of providers but also for parents and, most importantly, our children.

Henry Ingwersen Courtesy photo

Child care has become an indispensable necessity for families across Maine due to the rising cost of living and the need for multiple family incomes. However, the existing system fails to serve everyone adequately – parents, providers or businesses. The neglect endured by child care providers, the workforce behind the workforce, has finally caught up with us. To ensure a brighter future for all, it is imperative that Maine lawmakers take immediate action.

Thankfully, the Legislature is recognizing the urgent need for change. Senate President Troy Jackson and Senate Majority Leader Eloise Vitelli have proposed legislation aimed at transforming our child care system and addressing its pressing challenges. Their bills, LD 1726 and LD 1799, present comprehensive approaches to making child care more affordable and accessible.

President Jackson’s LD 1726 offers vital provisions to bring about meaningful change. One crucial aspect is doubling the monthly wage stipend for child care workers, providing them with the financial security they deserve and enabling providers to attract and retain dedicated staff. By expanding eligibility for the child care subsidy program, this bill ensures that working families have access to the support they need. Families earning up to 125 percent of the state’s median wage would now qualify for child care assistance, alleviating financial burdens and fostering economic stability.

Senator Vitelli’s LD 1799 proposes a mixed-delivery model of pre-K education, which would offer families the flexibility to choose the most convenient location for their child’s education. This would help close the gap in preschool program availability, ensuring that all children in Maine have access to quality early care and education, all while better matching the needs of working parents.


Both proposals have garnered widespread support from organizations such as the Right from the Start Coalition, Maine Children’s Alliance, and the Maine Association for the Education of Young Children, among many other labor unions and organizations. Their endorsements highlight the urgency of addressing the child care crisis and the positive impact these bills can have on Maine’s families and economy.

The current shortage of licensed child care providers in our state, with 350 fewer operating today than a decade ago, demonstrates the urgent need for action. Countless working parents find themselves on waiting lists or struggling to find suitable child care arrangements, compromising their ability to work and support their families. LD 1726 and LD 1799 provide practical solutions to this crisis, offering relief to working-class families and ensuring that every child in Maine has access to high-quality care and education.

Maine’s families, communities, and economy are relying on our lawmakers to take action. We must prioritize the well-being of our children and the success of our families. I am hopeful that the Legislature will come together and rally behind LD 1726 and LD 1799, as they represent a path towards a brighter future – one where our children thrive, parents can pursue their careers, and child care providers receive the recognition and support they deserve. We can make affordable and accessible child care a reality for all Maine families.

If you want to stay up to date on what we’re working on in Augusta, please sign up for my email newsletter at

Henry Ingwersen represents Senate District 32 which is made up of Arundel, Biddeford, Dayton, Hollis and Lyman. He can be reached at or 207-287-1515.

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