SACO – On a warm spring day last weekend, the scouts of Saco Girl Scout Troop 97, along with Deputy Mayor Jodi MacPhail and members of the Saco Community Garden Steering Committee, dedicated a Seed Exchange Box to the community garden.

Deputy Mayor Jodi MacPhail and scouts of Girl Scout Troop 97 dedicate the troop’s donation of a Seed Exchange box to the Saco Community Garden. Courtesy photo

Located on King Street in Saco, the garden is home to 50 garden plots rented by local residents. According to a news release, its mission is to create a garden following organic practices, provide affordable garden plots for growing healthy food and flowers, support a community of gardeners and promote a green and sustainable Saco.

According to Troop 97 leader Danielle Maragus, the Seed Exchange Box, which is similar to a book exchange library box or a food box, was part of the scouts’ Take Action Project, a project that is a journey to help the community that is sustainable and gives back. This was attained by participating in bake sales, Girl Scout cookie sales and other fundraising endeavors.

As the 11 scouts: Madison Maragus, Gabby Cheney, Julia Libby, Addison DiCianni, Lilian Bolduc, Tatum Sovetsky, Rose Jagger, Lydia OConner-Lush, Elizabeth Dubois, Izobella Dubois and Grace Desrosier, along with troop leaders Danielle Maragus, Terrilyn Cheney, Rachel Desrosier and Allison Svetsky gathered in a circle, Ward 6 City Councilor and Deputy Mayor Jodi MacPhail dedicated the gift to the garden.

During the dedication, the MacPhail surprised the scout troop as she recounted how she grew up on King Street in the house directly next door to the garden. “I grew up next door to the garden when it was nothing more than a gravel patch with bricks and dirt,” said MacPhail. “We rode our bikes over it and played along the brook (Bear Brook which runs along the backside of the parcel) and to see its transformation makes me proud to be here today with all of you.”

The box, a free standing composite receptacle which will be open to all residents, came ready to go, packed by the scouts with seed packets and information. It is anticipated that the box will also be a place where anyone can share information, small tools and other items that will help gardeners of all abilities participate in helping create a sustainable future.

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