Girl Scouts of Maine will host an open house from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, at their South Portland Service Center as part of the organization’s annual Weekend of Service, this year Sept. 30-Oct. 1.

The event will include hands-on workshops featuring new Girl Scout programming. A make-your-own fidget keyring tutorial, a collaborative art board and a thank-you card station will be among the Maker Badge activities featured.

“Our new space offers the vibrancy and resources necessary to inspire Girl Scouts to take action and spark change, and we are looking forward to sharing that with everyone in conjunction with the Weekend of Service,” said GSME CEO Mara Robinov-Moorhead in a press release.

During GSME’s Weekend of Service, Girl Scouts across Maine are encouraged to take part in volunteer activities that benefits their local area. Past participants have given back through gardening, organizing food drives, collecting clothing donations and more.

For more information, go to and navigate to their “events” page.

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