More spending will raise taxes

To the editor,

In reading the article in the Sentry about the four people running for South Portland City Council, I was struck by a common theme. All but one candidate is advocating for more government spending. Not cutting spending so that taxes can be cut and older people who are happy with their homes can stay in them. No. They call for more taxpayer subsidized housing. Now called, affordable housing.

File photo

That’s more government spending that will end up raising city, state and federal taxes, causing landlords to raise rents and older people and young people to leave. It’s a destructive circle.

Why the desire to attract poverty instead of jobs and success? Building homeless shelters and subsidized housing instead of convincing companies that will provide good jobs seems like a sure way to perpetuate problems.

Why no talk about cutting spending, cutting departments and agreements that aren’t productive?


All but one candidate is proposing that we agree to have our taxes, (city, state or federal) raised.

Think before you jump on board for more government spending because it all comes out of our pockets as no government earns money. They get it by taking it.

Kandi-Lee Hoy

South Portland

Candidate’s commitment is impressive

To the editor,


I’m writing in support of Rosemarie De Angelis for the District 3 school board seat in South Portland’s upcoming election. Her commitment to our community is long-standing and impressive on its own, and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with her background.

With much at stake for our South Portland students, including safety, staff and teacher burnout and potential changes in boundary configurations for elementary schools, Rosemarie’s honesty, innate sense of fairness and commitment to asking tough questions of our leaders have been apparent in the meetings I’ve witnessed.

Fresh, reasoned perspectives and approaches grounded in experience and commitment to equity are what our city needs as we face new challenges. As a parent of young children not yet in school, who will no doubt be impacted by school board decisions, Rosemarie De Angelis’ approach helps me have faith that those decisions will be arrived at in a thoughtful way.

Joel Hatfield

South Portland

City council election is critical


To the editor,

This South Portland City Council election is critical; issues related to housing, the physical and social environment and the economy must be addressed.

Rachael Coleman has the experience and perspective to see these concerns as interrelated. She supports business development yet is not naive about potential for harms both to the social and physical environment. She is concerned about providing housing for essential workers.

She is aware that older people tend to want to stay in their community as do young people. She is aware that communities need social capital and open space as well as real estate capital. She appreciates that there is a dynamic equilibrium that needs to be maintained to promote the health of a community. Rachael Coleman’s life experiences, education and work experiences give her the insights, knowledge and skill to address the needs of our city. I hope that you will vote for her for city council.

Susan Henderson

South Portland


Candidate not afraid of hard questions

To the editor,

I am writing to give my support to Rosemarie De Angelis for re-election to the South Portland School Board to complete the term, after being appointed by the South Portland City Council last year.

I have known Rosemarie for over 25 years and she has demonstrated that she represents the voices of this community, not just the parents and teachers, but bus drivers, custodians, all support staff, students and all residents, even if they have no one in the schools.

She is open minded, a good listener and a critical thinker who is not afraid to ask the hard questions. Her involvement in this community has been visible for years, showing that she sticks with something when it is important.

Please vote Rosemarie De Angelis  on Nov. 7. Remember, we all vote for all candidates.

Kathy Berube

South Portland

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