How many lives lost before there’s action?

To the editor,

A question for all state legislators and congressional representatives:

Given that this country didn’t even make it one week into a new year before there was another school shooting, I would like to know how many dead children is your acceptable number for 2024? How many lives are you willing to sacrifice this year in exchange for your continued loose gun laws, your tired “thoughts and prayers,” and your macho violence promotion? Is it 100? 1,000? 10,000?

This endemic, ongoing, and exceptionally American slaughter is obscene, especially because it is so preventable. There are cures for this madness. Institute universal background checks, waiting periods, “red flag” laws. Eliminate unregulated gun sales. Ban assault weapons. Hold gunmakers accountable. Actually fund mental health care. Make bullets $1,000 each. Options beyond butchery exist.

Yet you do nothing. Do something. Do the job scores of polls and millions of exasperated voters demand you do. End this internationally unique disgrace, this epidemic of American gun violence.


And if you cannot, if you will not, then at least be honest and tell us what number of our murdered fellow citizens is the price you accept for this dirty business.

Nik Charov

South Portland

Candidate appreciates party support

To the editor,

The week before Christmas, about 100 South Portland Democrats gathered at the Community Center for a caucus to select a candidate to complete the term of our beloved state representative, Lois Reckitt, who passed away in late October. The large and enthusiastic turnout on short notice was remarkable during the busy holiday season. I’m grateful to the 67 Democrats from House District 122 who voted to support my candidacy. Thank you.


When an elected state representative or senator is unable or unwilling to complete their term in office, a caucus is how all the political parties in Maine select replacement candidates to run in a special election. For registered voters in the easternmost section of South Portland, that special election will be held on Tuesday, March 5, the same day as Maine’s presidential primaries.

If elected, I intend to honor the legacy of Lois Reckitt by continuing her focus on speaking up and fighting for the voiceless and improving the lives of middle- and working-class families. I look forward to meeting as many voters as possible in the coming weeks. You may see me at your door one of these days. I urge everyone to remember to vote on Tuesday, March 5, or consider voting early either by requesting a ballot or at city hall to make sure your vote is counted.

For more information about my campaign for state representative and to be in touch with me, please go online to

Matthew Beck

South Portland

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