I was looking up words recently and I came across this great one: kenspeckle. It’s a Scottish word that means attracting attention, and it seemed pretty relevant to me recently, because the birds around my house are being particularly raucous, especially early in the morning. I can imagine the fluffing of feathers and exercising of vocal cords in a display of color and melody meant to attract a mate. Yes, in fact, they do have my attention.

The fun part, for me, is how it’s all connected — bright, showy displays and that Scottish word, kenspeckle — because here at Libby Library for the month of March, we will be featuring a couple of pretty amazing displays … in the hopes of attracting your attention! We might be a little kenspeckle this March in our enthusiasm for local artistry and art.

We are very honored to have been entrusted with the Thibodeau Family’s beautiful collection of Old Orchard Beach historical souvenirs and memorabilia. We are thrilled to be able to share this one-of-a-kind collection of over 230 pieces. Currently, there is a selection of Mauchline Ware on display here at the library. Mauchline Ware refers to a very specific type of small, wooden souvenir popular with tourists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Made primarily from sycamore wood, the pieces were each imbedded with a picture of some iconic local scenery or landmark. The name, Mauchline Ware, comes from the town in Scotland, where they were made. This exhibit is located in the glass-fronted display case next to the fish tank in the adult fiction area, and since there isn’t space to display this amazing collection in its entirety, we will change it out periodically, keeping it fresh and fun … and kenspeckle.

Also on display for the month of March is an exhibit of the Pine Point Quilters. Their display is in the main circulation area from March 1 through April 2. Be sure to stop by and check out their amazing artistry and sign their guest book. Along with their display will be some books and materials all about quilting and fiber arts (like crocheting and knitting). For those who are curious about getting started in the creative fiber arts, we have a group that meets in our adult reading area (near the fire place) each Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. All ages and skill levels are welcome to stop by.

There are a lot of great things to see at the library in March, but there are also many things to do. In addition to the usual fun (book club, brown bag book bunch, STEAM Saturday, and story time) and games (MahJong, Lego club, Bridge club), we’re expecting a visit from a short, wily fellow dressed all in green on Saturday, March 16 at 1 p.m. Kids of all ages are invited to learn to set Leprechaun Traps. If anyone catches him, be sure to follow the rainbow to his pot-o-gold.

As we March into spring, and Jack Frost loosens his icy grip, things are starting to heat up here at Libby Library. Don’t forget, as our favorite aardvark likes to say, “Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card!” If you don’t have yours, yet, remember, all Old Orchard Beach residents, property owners, and employees of year round businesses are eligible for a free card.

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