Making America great again. Expanding the Republican Party. Breaking the self-serving cycle of party politics.

I could go on, but I don’t need to, because you already know everything about Donald Trump’s unlikely rise to national political prominence, right?

It’s everywhere, every day, fueling the most emotional response to a political campaign that most of us have ever seen in our lifetimes.

Clearly, this is a person who is leveraging the fears and anxieties of millions of Americans for his own personal gain. Clearly, he is the most divisive national political figure in decades, working all of us up in to an emotional lather that most of us didn’t even think we were capable of.

Finally, after years of apathy and skepticism with a broken political system, people who have never paid attention to this stuff are voting in the primaries, feverishly scrolling through social media feeds and speaking passionately to anyone who will listen, including their therapists.

So why is The Donald good for us?


Because what Trump’s campaign has really done is hold up the mirror and make us all realize just how far we have fallen as a nation.

This is not the country we read about in American History class, or want our children and grandchildren reading about in theirs.

It’s not the prospect of a Trump presidency that is scaring the heck out of us, but the realization that we live in a nation where a Trump presidency has become an actual possibility.

Wake up, my fellow Americans: This is who we are now. Not very pretty, is it?

And that’s exactly why this is happening. Donald Trump is our rock bottom. So let’s go, America. Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.

Bill Sutherland


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