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  • Published
    April 21, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Schools have dress codes for valid social reasons

    Regarding “Wearing defiance (but not on her sleeves),” on sixth-grade Portland schoolgirl Molly Neuner’s protest over a dress code (Page A1, April 13): Schools are not only for education – they are also stages where young people may learn the power of dressing appropriately for the circumstances. It was more than a “distraction” when a […]

  • Published
    April 21, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Like it or not, LePage won election, deserves to speak

    The University of Southern Maine student who said Tuesday that letting Gov. LePage or Rep. Larry Lockman speak is (as paraphrased by the reporter) “concerning because it makes people think that their views are the norm” obviously didn’t notice that LePage won the election. Hello?! He received more votes than any other candidate; therefore, his […]

  • Published
    April 21, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Maine has reasonable crop of candidates for next race

    Thankfully, we Mainers have such respected and talented people willing to step forward and provide sensible, balanced leadership. Recently, we have been hearing that Susan Collins and Shawn Moody are considering a run for the Maine governorship next time around. I would like to see Janet Mills and Peter Cianchette give some thought to this, […]

  • Published
    April 20, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Bill would fund creation of drug treatment facilities

    In 2016, my best friend died of a heroin overdose in Portland. He was an artist, he was a brother and son, and he was a great person. He is dearly missed. He is just one of the many people who’ve been taken from us. We all know someone or are someone who has been […]

  • Published
    April 20, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Congress must address U.S. involvement in Syria

    I believe it is time for Congress to do its constitutional duty to vote on U.S. involvement in Syria. The president has been very secretive about where U.S. troops are stationed, how many troops are involved, the nature of their mission and the rationale for their presence. I recently learned about a close-quartered, deadly fight […]

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  • Published
    April 20, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Productive farmland deserves to live on

    I read with dismay about a proposal to develop Camelot Farm, Portland’s last remaining farmland (“Portland developer has big plans for city land,” April 17). I am a proud Portland native and a conservative, not a left-wing ideologue who is opposed to all growth. Intelligent growth policies improve the quality of life for inhabitants of […]

  • Published
    April 20, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Rejection of federal aid simply boggles the mind

    How can this be? That was the first thought that came to mind in reading Richard Pollak’s Maine Voices column, “LePage administration forfeits almost $2 billion in federal aid to Maine” (April 18). In the late 1970s and ’80s, Joseph Brennan was governor and I was Maine’s health and human services commissioner. It was understood […]

  • Published
    April 19, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Change the perverse way that state funds school construction

    As I’ve watched and participated in the debate over the bond to repair our city’s four most run-down elementary schools, it’s become clear that one of the primary reasons that our schools have been allowed to degrade so badly is the way the state distributes school construction money. The state provides roughly a quarter of […]

  • Published
    April 19, 2017

    Letter to the editor: T-shirt with Rosie in a hijab sends an important message

    In response to Nicole Cox’s April 5 letter to the editor: For 75 years, Rosie the Riveter has proudly represented the contributions of women during World War II. However, looking at the original Rosie, I notice some things about her appearance. She is white. She is probably thought to be a Christian. She is not […]

  • Published
    April 19, 2017

    Letter to the editor: New members always a plus for Rosie the Riveter family

    I read with interest the April 5 letter by Nicole Cox of Cumberland, which interpreted the depiction of Rosie the Riveter as a Muslim woman, in a hijab, by two girls at the Portland Arts and Technology High School as “infring(ing) on this American icon.” Women in Ms. Cox’s family worked in the shipyards during […]