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  • Published
    December 8, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Health care policy must move forward, not back

    Daniel C. Bryant, M.D., deserves credit for seizing the moment in his Dec. 5 Maine Voices column, “Trump’s health care policy appears heavy on complexity, light on mercy.” In analyzing each of six changes that President-elect Donald Trump promises to make to our health care system (outlined on Trump’s website), Dr. Bryant exposes their multiple […]

  • Published
    December 8, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Any new downtown parking in Biddeford must be affordable

    Many Maine communities, with downtown growth, consider parking a necessary ingredient for further economic growth and resident happiness. To this end, Biddeford might build a parking garage, the Press Herald reported Nov. 30 in the article “Downtown Biddeford’s all abuzz, but the parking’s a buzzkill.” A municipal parking garage can be an important asset for […]

  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Pearl Harbor attack anniversary shines light on sacrifices

    The 75th anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese would remind everyone what sacrifices were made as the attack led us into World War II and war on two continents. Always remember Winston Churchill’s eloquent speech to Parliament, after the Royal Air Force held off a German invasion. I think it […]

  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Despite flaws, Affordable Care Act helps many Mainers

    Re: “Sen. Collins has ‘reservations’ about privatizing Medicare, repealing health care law without replacement” (Dec. 2): I was encouraged to read that Sen. Susan Collins has reservations about repealing the Affordable Care Act. As a Mainer who relies on the exchange for affordable health care coverage, I am deeply concerned about proposals to repeal it. […]

  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Even token effort by police would deter red-light scofflaws

    As someone who drives, bicycles and walks Portland’s streets every day, I am appalled by the blatant disregard for public safety demonstrated by drivers who ignore traffic lights. One need only watch a busy intersection for a few minutes to observe drivers speeding up to enter an intersection after the light has turned from yellow […]

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  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: We all can pitch in to keep our harbor free of trash

    I try to educate as an onshore volunteer for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. I try to pitch in by organizing beach cleans and by picking up trash during my own beach strolls. I try to use social media as a tool for change with a Facebook page, For the Oceans. Single-use consumer plastic waste is […]

  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Mayor Strimling’s objections arose too late on sale of city lot

    On the city’s sale of the Portland Co. tract: If Mayor Ethan Strimling is right and the city left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table, where was he early in the negotiations, when his voice and views might have helped structure a better deal? This is one reason we have a full-time mayor […]

  • Published
    December 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Front page full of good news was a pleasure to read

    By happenstance, all of the stories on the front page of your Dec. 5 paper (on the Dakota pipeline rejection, new Portland city councilors, South Portland’s new mayor, the PSO Explorers program and a Saco nonprofit that helps the disabled) were positive, inspiring and informative. I read each one with pleasure. What a great way […]

  • Published
    December 6, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Using atomic bomb on Japan not ‘needless,’ saved lives

    OK, I can’t resist taking the bait, partly because many younger people do not fully understand the circumstances leading up to our dropping an atomic bomb. Jon Swan’s Dec. 1 letter, “Baldacci’s Castro criticism could be applied to U.S., too,” ends with the phrase “the needless dropping by the United States of an atomic bomb.” […]

  • Published
    December 6, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Sheriff’s office an invaluable partner in addressing domestic violence

    In the early morning hours of Nov. 27, many lives were changed by the actions of Norman J. Strobel, a man determined to make his former partner suffer for leaving him. The tragic shootings have profoundly affected many lives. Acts of violence happen every day in our neighborhoods and communities; however, they are often concealed […]