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  • Published
    October 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Pot’s not a gateway drug and can be regulated

    As a mother, I understand the fears about legalizing marijuana. Parents want the best for our children. We worry about addiction. But research unfailingly has shown that most users of hard drugs start with alcohol or tobacco, not cannabis. And marijuana has never caused a single death, unlike opiates or alcohol. Parents worry about teen […]

  • Published
    October 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Ladd ably served Georgia and will do the same here

    To bring a fresh voice to the Legislature, please consider voting for Republican Barton Ladd for Maine Senate in District 25 (Yarmouth, Cumberland, Gray, Falmouth and Chebeague and Long islands, along with part of Westbrook). For 12 years, Bart was a state representative and senator in Georgia. He created that state’s Homestead Option Sales Tax, […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: LePage wrong about superintendents

    I want to correct a misstatement Gov. Paul LePage recently made on the number of school superintendents in the state of Florida. He stated, “We have 127 superintendents for 177,000 kids” while “the state of Florida … has 3 million kids and 64 superintendents.” He went on to state, “That’s where the problem is. We […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Solar energy saves money even for non-owners

    Let me set the record straight on solar energy, as some people are unaware that every solar electric system provides economic and environmental benefits to all Mainers – whether you have solar on your property or not. If you do have a solar electric system on your property, you can earn credits on your utility […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Immigrant’s first vote a reminder of precious right

    Thank you for the article about Abbas Marwan and his family and their joy at the honor of being able to vote in America. It is a nice reminder for so many of us (most of us?) at how our own immigrant ancestors must have felt. I also liked his awareness of the importance of […]

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  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Should we cancel election for lack of viable candidates?

    It is a common practice for corporations, educational institutions and sports teams to open a search for qualified candidates to fill significant positions in their organizations. Occasionally, however, the search does not attract a pool of viable candidates, and the search is suspended or closed. Given the pool of presidential candidates that we have this […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Acadia park too protective of lane leading to West Pond Cove

    West Pond Cove is roughly 1.8 miles from the entrances to Frazer Point in the Schoodic section of Acadia National Park. The short lane accessing the cove has historically been used by the local population as a place to launch kayaks. It is a safe and easy put-in. It does not require carrying kayaks a […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Lack of respect for veterans chafes

    For my friends of my generation, who survived the Vietnam War. We either fought or protested, sometimes both. We marched in the streets or marched into an unwinnable war to be killed, maimed or captured. Though some veterans were reviled when they returned, to our collective shame, time has shown us that the bravery of […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Ranked-choice voting will give us the leaders most of us want

    Question 5 asks whether to allow voters to rank the candidates, from first choice to last, and require a majority of the vote to win in elections for governor and the U.S. and Maine Senate and House. Nine of the last 11 governors were elected by a minority of the vote, so the vote is […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Where’s the school aid we’ve already voted on?

    Somehow, I seem to remember a binding question about four or five years ago that required the state to pay all the school systems the 55 percent they were supposed to get. Then again, I also remember a promise that all Maine Lottery money was supposed to be earmarked for schools, so the towns didn’t […]