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  • Published
    May 8, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Private adoption is a loving option, not a last resort

    After reading Kate Brogan’s May 5 column, “Maine Voices: Women considering adoption deserve a thoughtful look at their choices,” a few things resonate for me. I am the clinical director of a social services agency that provides both adoption as well as parenting support services, and it is my hope that we are careful not […]

  • Published
    May 8, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Mainer whose dog was shot by Louisiana cop took risks

    I am very sorry and troubled about the killing of Arzy the dog (“Maine man accuses Louisiana officer of shooting his dog without cause,” May 1). However, I must say that Brandon Carpenter, the “itinerant” musician who brought his 90-pound black dog on a freight train, was making bad decisions right from the beginning of […]

  • Published
    May 8, 2014

    Letter to the editor: New Benghazi documents expose White House dishonesty

    Since the murder of four brave Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the mainstream media have said, “There’s nothing to see here.” Newly released Benghazi documents show that there’s plenty to see. We now know a concerted effort was made by White House staff and others to obfuscate the […]

  • Published
    May 8, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Senate candidate wrong on student knowledge of civics

    I am writing in response to Steve Woods’ April 29 opinion piece (“Maine Voices: Schools need civics courses to get young voters involved”). As a student at Falmouth High School, I found the column to be factually inaccurate and an insult to our intelligence and education. I would like to address some of these inaccuracies. […]

  • Published
    May 8, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Special panel to probe Benghazi a waste of time and money

    I read in the May 3 Press Herald: “Boehner to create special panel on Benghazi.” This unfortunate event in American diplomacy occurred more than two years ago, and Mr. Boehner is still fixated on it! He wasted taxpayers’ money on more than 50 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, knowing at the outset that […]

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  • Published
    May 7, 2014

    Letter to the editor: All colleges need victim advocates in sex-assault cases, UNE student says

    As a proud, actively engaged student at the University of New England, I know our Title IX coordinators have done a great job and are prepared to do more to protect students from gender discrimination and sexual assault. However, I’m concerned about the article “Sex assaults at Maine colleges come out of hiding” (April 30). […]

  • Published
    May 7, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Portland’s new Hyatt Place hotel no architectural marvel

    Regarding the unfinished look of the new Hyatt Place building on Fore Street: How many words can I think of to describe … that? “Terrible,” “ugly,” “out of place” (well, that’s three) … What was the thought going into the design? Simple modernist reflects turn-of-the-century brick of the Old Port? Yeah, it sure does all […]

  • Published
    May 7, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Why should we try to save tick-infested, invasive deer?

    Enlighten me. Why are we in Maine so determined to preserve the declining deer herd? Deer are vermin from Virginia. They jump all fences – electric or otherwise – to eat our tulips, lettuce, hostas, whatever. They are loaded with deer ticks, which carry Lyme disease, a debilitating, often undiagnosed, sometimes lifelong illness that has […]

  • Published
    May 7, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Michaud, Cutler must unite against disaster of LePage

    Every morning as I read the Portland Press Herald, I become more and more enraged by the actions of Gov. Paul LePage. The vetoes of the bills to protect the health of women in Maine and then the water quality of Maine’s lakes, which I hold very dear, sent me over the top of my […]

  • Published
    May 7, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Clean Elections system should extend to Congress

    I was pleased to see the April 9 Leonard Pitts column declaring that money in politics has become “a clear and present danger.” Equally refreshing was to learn about the Citizens Congress 2014 in California, trying to develop strategies to reduce the influence of money in elections. Here in Maine we are fortunate to have […]