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  • Published
    May 2, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Story paints Chechens with broad brush

    I feel compelled to write to you and let you know how disappointing I found Tom Bell’s article titled “Maine’s Russians: Don’t lump us with terrorists” (April 20). In a time when the world needs all the understanding and actual information related to complex geopolitical issues it can get, the article — ending with the […]

  • Published
    May 1, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Civil rights at center of abortion debate

    Regarding “Abortion restrictions continue to gain ground” (April 12): The issue of abortion won’t go away, because it is inherently an unresolved civil rights issue — the civil rights of the unborn. Those of us who have stood up for the rights and the dignity of women, African-Americans, immigrants, Native Americans and the lesbian, gay, […]

  • Published
    April 30, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Laws’ effect on violence will be limited

    Bill Nemitz’s reporting on Bob McAfee’s medical grand rounds (“A physician tries to heal the violence,” April 5) helps to spread the insightful views of Dr. McAfee regarding the public health epidemic of gun violence in this country. However, efforts to legislate new gun regulations are only a start to addressing this public health issue. […]

  • Published
    April 29, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Baxter Academy hasn’t earned charter

    After the recent news (“Sign-ups for first Portland charter school falling short,” April 25), the message should be clear by now to the Maine Charter School Commission: Parents have pulled out of Baxter Academy in large numbers. The coup led by the remaining five members of the board of directors has fallen short. The disingenuous […]

  • Published
    April 28, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Road anarchy must end

    On April 19, I sent a letter to the Maine Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, asking members to take action to provide Maine drivers with a safer and more pleasurable driving experience. Speeding is ubiquitous. Running red lights, tailgating, unnecessary passing in breakdown lanes (often near pedestrian crossings), failure to utilize […]

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  • Published
    April 27, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Ex-coach successful by any standard

    I’m writing to express my displeasure with the University of Maine’s decision to fire Tim Whitehead and your paper’s April 10 headline, “Fired UMaine coach failed to meet goals.” Really? What should the goals of a program be? Tim was described as “a very decent man,” someone who “coached with tremendous integrity” and “nothing but […]

  • Published
    April 26, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Paper continues anti-LePage crusade

    Judging from the 200 pages of documents the Portland Press Herald obtained concerning Gov. LePage’s unspecified role in unemployment benefit proceedings (“Documents: Hearing officer felt pressured by LePage,” April 18), any allegations against the governor appear to be “just the tip of the ice cube.”   It’s too bad the fragile feelings of hearing officers […]

  • Published
    April 25, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Defeat of gun bills shows NRA’s power

    Not even a Democratic-controlled Senate could pass a bipartisan background check bill. Amendments to reinstate the assault-weapons ban and limit high-capacity magazines also failed. Even a bipartisan proposal to curb gun trafficking — supported by the National Rifle Association, for goodness’ sake! — failed to pass. Background checks make it harder for criminals and the […]

  • Published
    April 24, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Canada pushing Portland on tar sands

    As someone with deep ancestral roots in Canada, it has been eye-opening to see a Canadian consulate representative at every public meeting involving the potential movement of heavy crude Alberta tar-sands oil across Maine to be offloaded into tankers in Casco Bay. The most current appearance was April 11, at a Portland Water District informational […]

  • Published
    April 23, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Let young, healthy people earn their rent

    Having tried my hardest to not respond to the lead story (“Hundreds of Mainers line up for housing assistance“), with pictures, in the Local and State news section of your April 11 edition, I am caving. What is wrong with this picture? The first, second and fourth people in line for Section 8 housing, having “bravely” […]