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  • Published
    March 22, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Expanded MaineCare could help many

    I am writing to call on Gov. LePage to negotiate with the federal government and accept Medicaid funds under the health reform law. These funds would cover an estimated 69,500 low-income Mainers, including refugees and people granted asylum who have made their home here in Maine. With insurance, individuals and families from our communities will […]

  • Published
    March 21, 2013

    Letters to the editorNew fee will add to lobstermen’s woes

    A recent article (“Maine lobster industry supports new fee,” March 6) is incorrect. The article states that the majority of lobstermen are in favor of L.D. 486 and L.D.182, requiring lobstermen to pay 74 percent of the Lobster Promotion Council’s budget increase. They are not. The increase, from $300,000 to $4 million per year, would […]

  • Published
    March 20, 2013

    Letters to the editorDebate continues over gun-data shield

    I am interested in the editorial in the March 14 Press Herald headlined “Our View: Concealed carry permits are public documents.” The logic behind that opinion raises several questions. Many government documents are not public. Who decides which are public and which are not? A few years ago, my car was parked in the parking […]

  • Published
    March 19, 2013

    Letters to the editor: To draw students, raise pay for tech jobs

    It is most encouraging to see the intensive attention that Maine work force challenges are receiving from the governor, the Legislature, education leaders and the private sector. Particularly noteworthy are efforts such as Educate Maine’s Project Login. This collaboration between Maine’s public higher education system and employers seeks to increase the number of graduates qualified […]

  • Published
    March 18, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Public deserves protection from toxins

    As a Maine native and father of a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, I am a careful label reader. Sure, my trips to the grocery store often take a bit longer, but I want to know exactly what is going into my family’s bodies. Unfortunately, even diligent label reading is not enough to protect my little […]

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  • Published
    March 17, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Dairy farmers face thankless task

    'The lack of support for family farms is devastating,' a reader says.

  • Published
    March 16, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Recalls won’t resolve issues in OOB

    What a joke our community is turning out to be. We have three members of the Town Council who are dissatisfied with the way the new council is working here in Old Orchard Beach, so they are crying “recall” and getting a selective few to do the dirty work. And now other people are trying […]

  • Published
    March 15, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Newspaper reinforces bias against park

    Despite a large and diverse crowd of people who expressed their disapproval of the move to sell Congress Square Plaza to a private corporation last August, for some unknown reason the four members of the City Council’s Housing and Community Development Committee continue to negotiate with this corporation. This is a very disturbing example of […]

  • Published
    March 14, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Collins’ marriage stance disappoints

    I am disappointed Sen. Susan Collins did not join the rest of the Maine congressional delegation in urging the Supreme Court to find the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional (“Only Collins hasn’t signed court brief supporting same-sex marriage,” March 2). This shows a lack of political courage on her part. Her spokesman stated that Sen. […]

  • Published
    March 13, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Medicaid access will ensure better health

    The American Lung Association agrees with the Portland Press Herald that Mainers will greatly benefit if Gov. LePage decides to expand Medicaid eligibility ( “Our View: Maine missing out by not expanding Medicaid eligibility,” March 3). Ensuring that all people have access to affordable health care is a key element needed to improve public health […]