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  • Published
    August 14, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Use extra aid to bring back Hall teacher

    I am a parent of two Fred P. Hall Elementary School students in Portland. Both of my daughters (ages 7 and 10) are in the Many Rivers program, a wonderful alternative learning program that started in 1986. I am writing to publicly acknowledge how important it is for a child to have consistency in their […]

  • Published
    August 13, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Many mentally disabled ‘lead full lives’

    A recent story in the Press Herald (“Lewiston fears release of mentally disabled arson suspect,” Aug. 7) dealt with the potential release of an arsonist with mild intellectual disability back into the Lewiston community. The Lewiston fires were horrific events that displaced and caused a lot of pain for many people. The comments that followed […]

  • Published
    August 12, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Speed limit signs woefully ignored

    Woe be unto you if you try to hold to 40 mph (the posted speed limit) while crossing the Casco Bay Bridge. You’ll be passed by irate motorists who know that 55 or, better yet, 60 mph is what you do. Don’t even think about driving at 35 mph (the posted speed limit) on outer […]

  • Published
    August 11, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Tax deduction helps homeowners

    Mainers have long understood the value of homeownership to our communities and families. In fact, according to the U.S. Census, 73 percent of Maine households own their home, the fourth highest homeownership rate in the country. This means that changes to the tax code that negatively affect homeowners will have a disproportionate impact on Maine […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Hazards too great from tar sands oil

    We just returned from visiting Maine’s members of Congress in Washington, where we asked Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King to keep America from deepening our addiction to climate-threatening and environmentally damaging oil by saying “no” to tar sands. Our visit coincided with the three-year anniversary of the tar sands pipeline oil spill on the […]

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  • Published
    August 9, 2013
    Lyndon Baines Johnson, Harry Truman,

    Letters to the editor: Medicare should be cheered, expanded

    On July 30, 1965, Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law. As we note that anniversary, it is interesting to compare the health care news of our own day. For instance, an article in the July 25 Portland Press Herald (“Briefcase: Wellpoint stock sets record ahead of health care reform“) reports: “Shares of Wellpoint Inc. hit […]

  • Published
    August 8, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Bill barely touches illegal immigration

    There were two recent letters to the editor that made compelling cases for supporting comprehensive immigration reform (“Collins immigration vote helps families,” Aug. 2). The two writers were praising Sen. Susan Collins for her vote for S.744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act. Such praise is shortsighted and misplaced. The 1,198-page bill, […]

  • Published
    August 7, 2013
    Patrick Donahoe

    Letters to the editor: Postmaster’s in alcohol-delivery haze

    So Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe wants to deliver alcohol (Business, Aug. 2). Well, he’d better check the definition of “deliver” first. To deliver is to bring or hand over (a letter, parcel or ordered goods) to the proper recipient or address. When the post office can’t even deliver a certified letter to my address and […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Non-lethal policy favors the bears

    Regarding Matthew Dyer, the Sierra Club hiker attacked while in his tent at 1:30 a.m. July 24 in eastern Canada’s Torngat Mountains when an electric fence failed to stop a polar bear: CBC News reported July 27, “Parks Canada advises visitors of the park to hire an armed Inuit polar bear guard … . Dyer’s […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Why stop at killing clean-air rules?

    The July 30 article “DEP calls for weakening of Maine smog regulations” really got me thinking.  I’d like to pass on to Gov. LePage that he has an excellent opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: He can free industrial polluters from pesky provisions of the federal Clean Air Act, and, at the same time, […]