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  • Published
    October 23, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Oct. 23, 2010Dirigo Health ends firm’s headache

    One of the greatest challenges for keeping a business in Maine is the cost of health care for employees. The restaurant industry has a particularly high percentage of seasonal part-time employees who have had difficulty accessing health care due to the cost for both the employer and employee. At Ricetta’s, there are times when 70 […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2010

    Election letters to the editor, Oct. 23, 2010Voters still have much to say about governor’s race

    The race for governor this year has many qualified candidates. So it is the duty of Maine’s undecided voters to decipher what the mass media tell us and to discern the truth. Sensationalism is what gets our attention. Don’t let yourself be entertained. Motivate yourself to get educated. I challenge you to research the issues, […]

  • Published
    October 22, 2010

    Letters to the editor: Ranked-choice voting gets high marks

    Not being a Portland resident, I have no strong opinion about an elected mayor. I do, however, think Cheryl Leeman is wrong to disparage ranked-choice voting. It is not surprising, of course, that a well-entrenched major party politician would offer a scary “what if” scenario to impugn a system that lessens the distinct advantage the […]

  • Published
    October 21, 2010

    More letters to the editor: 1st District Pingree-Scontras race on readers’ minds

    Under the current economic conditions, voters need to be behind the candidates who will have the most favorable impact on our communities. We need to support candidates who will lead the way in trade reform and work to restore American jobs to America! Chellie Pingree is opposed to expanding NAFTA to South Korea and Columbia; […]

  • Published
    October 21, 2010

    Letters to the editor: Crisis workers ready to help youth

    Thank your for your excellent article regarding police and mental health collaboration in York County (“New intervention training helps police handle youth-in-crisis calls,” Oct. 5). I want to follow up on this by informing readers of the availability of statewide crisis programs to respond to youth in crisis. Anyone can call (888) 568-1112 at any […]

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  • Published
    October 20, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Oct. 20, 2010Make Maine a science superstar

    I am writing to comment on the Maine Voices column by Don Perkins of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (“Maine can lead in science literacy,” Oct. 10). Having received a tour of the GMRI’s “lab” last spring, I thought Don’s view was on the mark. Seeing children learning in such an exciting environment is […]

  • Published
    October 19, 2010
    Jeff Wallin

    Letters to the editor, Oct. 19, 2010Don’t fight over joblessness, end it

    The breakdown of the latest unemployment numbers printed Oct. 9 was quite interesting. Two things jumped out at me, the first was the rate by education: Those with a college degree enjoy a rate of under 5 percent, while those with no high school diploma suffered more than 15 percent unemployment. This is a definite […]

  • Published
    October 18, 2010

    Letters to the Editor: Law firm, city on track for progress

    The suggestion in the Oct. 11 front page article (“E-mails paint conflict on the waterfront”) that the renovation of the old Cold Storage Warehouse will be a win-win deal for all parties involved is right on the mark. Through its lease, Pierce Atwood is essentially funding the renovation of a 100-plus-year-old warehouse into brand new […]

  • Published
    October 17, 2010

    Letters to the editor: Canadians smarter than we are

    The Sunday column about Canadian skepticism about regionalized school districts was a long time coming (“Canada tried consolidation: It didn’t work,” Oct. 3). Regionalized school districts never have worked, even when they were little and called school administrative districts, a device to shift education costs away from the state and benefit poor communities at the […]

  • Published
    October 16, 2010

    More letters to the editor: Readers give reasons for picking a governor

    Hey, the state of Maine needs jobs! Well, we have right in our midst a young and capable man who has demonstrated that he knows how to generate them. Just read his qualifications in the Oct. 3 Maine Sunday Telegram on the front page. He is Shawn Moody. Shawn is a man of positive focus […]