PublishedDecember 11, 2012
Letters to the Editor: Do real patriots secede, or suck it up?
People petitioning for secession seem not to understand that countless Americans found the George W. Bush presidency toxic. We managed to live though the first term, gritting our teeth the whole while. We were sickened and appalled during the second term when the policies of the president and his party led to market collapse. Despite […]
PublishedDecember 9, 2012
Letters to the editor: ‘Lincoln’ and Leboutillier inspire awe
I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about “Lincoln.” We finally saw the film. My hand to heaven, it’s right up there with “The Godfather” and “Annie Hall.” The passion with which Daniel Day-Lewis immersed himself in the role paralleled the passion for which Lincoln embraced the presidency — if not the sanctity and rightness […]
PublishedDecember 9, 2012
Letters to the editor: A lesson on grid-tied solar power
Tying solar to the grid requires a wary buyer I recently had a grid-tied solar power system installed at my residence and have experienced a common problem. Solar panels are regulated by law to stop producing electricity when they sense grid instability. That means grid disruptions too small for utility equipment to measure can cause […]
PublishedDecember 8, 2012
Letters to the editor: MaineCare leadership incompetent
So, a $100 million shortfall has been discovered at the Department of Health and Human Services. And again, blame has been laid at the feet of MaineCare. Baloney! By my reckoning, the upper levels of DHHS and the LePage administration are populated by people who are both managerially incompetent and simultaneously quivering with an incomprehensible […]
PublishedDecember 7, 2012
Letters to the editor: Dechaine’s plight appalls returnee to Maine
I returned to my home state of Maine three years ago after 25 years in Southern California because I so missed the people here, the caring and sincerity of Mainers. Recently, I’ve become aware of the case against Dennis Dechaine through a friend and have immersed myself in information about the case from numerous sources. […]
PublishedDecember 6, 2012
Letters to the editor: Governor out of touch on climate issue
Thank you for your editorial calling out Gov. LePage for proclaiming that clean energy would cost jobs and hurt Maine’s economy (“Our View: Industry-funded study bad basis for energy policy,” Nov. 28). You were correct that he should not have based his proclamation solely on research funded by big oil. However, his proclamation also showed […]
PublishedDecember 5, 2012
Letters to the Editor: Fiscal cliff: Never the twain shall meet
The “fiscal cliff” is a Democratic strategy to make Republicans violate their principles. Bush’s pledge “read my lips – no new taxes” and then his reversal are being repeated. Violation of tax pledges will be disaster for Republicans in 2014. That is why Obama is “campaigning” for it. Congress doesn’t have sufficient time for complex […]
PublishedDecember 4, 2012
Letters to the editor: Casella, pipeline take unfair hits
I have been an employee of Pine Tree Waste/Casella Waste Management for more than a decade. I am getting a bit tired of all the bad press that your paper puts out concerning our company (“Maine company, pipeline make ‘Dirty Dozen’ polluters list,” Nov. 28). What I fail to see in your paper is the […]
PublishedDecember 3, 2012
Letters to the editor: Readers take MPBN to task
Thank you for your coverage of the programming changes taking place at the Maine Public Broadcasting Network (“Maine public radio cuts back its music for more talk,” Nov. 27). The decision to eliminate classical music on weekend mornings and to ax two of the three jazz programs on Friday evenings constitutes the continuation of a […]
PublishedDecember 2, 2012
Letters to the editor: Traditional GOP values ignored
While it cheers me guiltily to hear and read the right’s talking heads whine about the election, I’m one of those “old white guys” Rush Limbaugh says aren’t being heard. OK, so maybe I also read, question, doubt and reassess my own “truths,” but I’m still old and white. I do not think the election […]
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